Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Squirrel Watching

This squirrel is looking for bird seed that may have fallen
under our deck...

Squirrels can be an annoyance but they
are fun to watch.

However you feel about squirrels
They are tenacious!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Squirrels are fun . . . until they move into your attic!

Jill said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog and for following me. I'm happy to meet you and can't wait to get to know you through your blog.

Joanne said...

Oooooo those squirrels are so smart! And so greedy. I finally gave up trying to keep them away so I decided to have a separate area just for them with a feeder. Well not only did they eat that they invited all their friends to break into the bird feeder for a buffet!
Blessings, Joanne

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are stubborn and will not give up and so darn cute, i have to love them, even though they are great big pest, make that little big pest

Tina´s PicStory said...

sweet squirrel!
really small world :)

Birdie said...

There are a few squirrels where we live but so far there are none in out yard. They are cute though!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have to admit he's kind of cute though!

Karen said...

Oh, what a cutie! I feed the squirrels in the yard.

Anonymous said...

The squirrels in my neighborhood aren't too bad right now but, in the spring, I had a chipmunk living under my driveway. I can only imagine what kind of parties went on there! LOL

Muffie said...

I've had a few bad experiences with squirrels. I even wrote a blog post about them a while back. Cute? Furry rats! Oops -- nasty comment...

Muffy's Marks said...

I love watching them try to figure out how to get to the bird seed. Every time we challenge them, they find a way. Sorry to say, sometimes hubby has to thin the herd.

TexWisGirl said...

this photo opened and i immediately laughed! what is it about these scamper rats that are so dang adorable (even when they're destructive!?) love it!

thanks for visiting my blog! really appreciate it!!!

Becky Jane said...

Very few squirrels around our neck of the woods, so i still think their cute! LOL

S. Etole said...

They are mischievous little rascals, aren't they?

Eat To Live said...

They are so cute, but you are right, they can be really annoying.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Very cute. I love watching their antics, and wish I was as clever and athletic!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Tenacious is a great word when describing squirrels... AND--they are cute... Just wish they'd stay away from our bird feeders. I don't mind them eating the spillage...BUT--they want that and MORE... ha

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Too funny! I love to watch the squirrels in our yard. They are always busy doing something!

Karen Mortensen said...

Cute post. I love watching them.

Kim, USA said...

I so agree. My hubby used to gave them bread with peanut butter. If there is no peanut butter they gave it back to you hahaha. But since our barn cats multiply like crazy, I haven't seen bunnies or squirrels in our yard, which is kind of sad.


Small Kucing said...

Over here I cant hardly find any squirrel.

Elephant's Child said...

We don't have them, so they are just very, very cute. How big are they? Our possums can get quite large (and troublesome)>

Sueann said...

Yes they are....they never give up!!!!
Good lesson for us all!!

P.N. Subramanian said...

I love them. I simply watch them eating nuts and other stuff.

sprinkles said...

We have a lot of them on campus. Sometimes I remember to bring peanuts with me and I'll feed them between classes.

Ann said...

The squirrels here clean out my bird feeders regularly but you're right they are fun to watch

Glenda said...

Tenacious, indeed! But they are photogenic and fun to watch!

Debbie said...

Yes, they are! Those tenacious little buggers ate three of my porch columns. Ugh!!

Nani said...

I've always loved squirrels!

I like your site and your attitude! The link here was left in comments in my MS blog. :)

Connie Arnold said...

Squirrels are cute and fun to watch. They make it hard to feed the birds sometimes and are annoying when they romp on the roof, but their cuteness makes up for their annoyances.

Anne said...

Your story and squirrel photo makes me believe, that the squirrel might be related with the squirrels in the following two daily comic strips: Rose is Rose and Mutts :o)

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