Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Childhood Globe

I asked my Grandfather to get me this globe for Christmas 
40 years ago.

I found different parts of the world so interesting....
I had a brief pen pal from Yemen when I was young.
We would write letters way before computers

Things have certainly changed since I would study this globe!


Becky Jane said...

I imagine your globe is a priceless treasure. Especially since it came from your Grandpa!

We live in an amazing time don't we. Thinking of all the technology and how it gives us easy access to the entire world to affect it for good is a powerful thing to have access to!

Thanks for all the good you are doing!

Gail said...

Hi - beautiful globe attached to wonderful memories and sentiments. My husband is a huge globe and atlas and travel books - but most especially is his globe. I designed it for him one year for Christmas - I got to choose colors and so forth cool huh? :-)
Love Gail

Rachel said...

Technology has placed the whole world at our fingertips...We made many friends, shared happy and sad times, and found inspiration from all over the globe!

Karen said...

Globes, they fascinate children. How lucky you are to have this treasure. I had one as a child, and penpals around the world too. As you say, now we communicate with people worldwide in a flash! Hard to believe sometimes.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have my childhood globe too. I loved to feel the texture of the mountain ranges while it spun. Mine is probably from around 1985.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i only have one thing from my childhood, a letter written to me on Sept 5 1944 by my mothers father. it is addressed to me and is really sweet. other than that not one childhood thing.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It looks amazing for being 40 years old, just like new!!! It must have sentimental memories for you, you have been very kind to it.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

I love that you asked for a globe and your grandfather got you one for Christmas!

And so cool that you still have it.

S. Etole said...

Technology has certainly changed since I was a child! I imagine that some of the countries on your globe have even been renamed.

Aries said...

This reminds me of me and my sister's first penpal from USA. A teenage girl of my age that time. Got her address through magazines. The first letter we got from her, her first question was, are we living on trees. Guess those days not many have heard of Malaysia. So we took photos of the whole family in all parts of the house and send it to her. Last heard from her she was already working as a teacher. No contact with her anymore. Like you said, now we can get to know others from all part of the world vis blog, facebook, discovery channel etc.

Eat To Live said...

What a beautiful memory you have of your Grandfather. I don't know that I have anything from my Grandfather. He died when I was very young.

Aries said...

This reminds me of my first penpal. A teenage girl of my age from USA. Remembered the first time when she wrote to us, her first question was, are we staying on trees. Guess not many know about Malaysia those days. So we took photo of the whole family all around the house and send it to her. Last heard she is working as a teacher. No longer in contact. Now with the internet, it is just a button away.

Wanda said...

I remember us having a penny bank that was a globe. Who could have imagined that we would be touching lives across the globe in places our feet have never stepped...only God.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hard to believe that a globe was a high tech teaching tool at one time, eh?

Elephant's Child said...

I suspect that many of the countries on that globe have changed their names/and or borders. But I love it, and that you treasure it. Thank you.

sprinkles said...

Wow, I'm surprised you still have that globe! I can't think of anything left over from childhood.

Ramakrishnan said...

Lovely Globe. I have a globe at home too - my son's ! Yes indeed the globe conjures up so many beautiful & wonderful memories.

Birdie said...

I have always been fascinated with globes. I think it was a wonderful present that your grandfather gave you. I wonder what happened to your pen pal from Yemen?

Anne said...

Feel like a little child everytime that I am near a globe..... spin it and where does my finger end? In a way most of my travels is just like that, as I never now where my assistance might be aquired :o)

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