Friday, January 13, 2012

Jealous of my Computer

I share a picture of pure jealousy 
(even though you can see my messiness behind the laptop table).

After I had been on the computer awhile I backed up my chair
I did have stuff to get done
I headed back to the computer.....yet Donny was blocking me.

He stared at me while I was saying "Move" yet he would not move
I started laughing at his show of jealousy

Even furry kids want attention when we ignore them!


Unknown said...

He looks like he is doing an intervention...LOL!

Birdie said...

It is like when my cat sits right in front of my computer when I am trying to type. I have no doubt he knows exactly what he is doing. :-)

Debbie said...

HaHa!! I do believe my husband has camped out and given that look a time or two.

Eat To Live said...

LOL... that is funny. Give him a treat, pat him on the head and head to your computer.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ha ha, I believe he does look jealous!

Karen said...

Merfy sits on my lap while I am on the computer. Of course he is a tad smaller than Donny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

mine nudge me on the leg when they get tired of me on the computer, push with their nose, they want some attention. they really do get jealous. he looks so sweet

Ginny Hartzler said...

How funny! YOU are his territory and he doesn't want anyone or anything stealing you.

Muffie said...

Love it -- he's so cute!

Gail said...

He is on guard - definitely :-) Our dog brings all her toys over when I am on the computer or the phone. Too cute, aren't they? :-)

dr momi said...

Silly pup.... :-)

Elephant's Child said...

Jewel head butts the monitor making it shake dangerously. Jazz sits on the computer table, blocking my view. They do jealousy really, really well.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

It's their only way to get our attention! :)

Alene said...

Cracking up, cuz it's all so true! Blessings.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Kim, I guess Donny thinks you spend too much time on the computer... He wants your FULL attention, doesn't he???? Just like a child...ha


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Poor little green-eyed doggy!

Small Kucing said...

My cat also used to be like that

sprinkles said...

I can totally relate as my chi's do this to me all.the.time! lol

The Unknowngnome said...

Ha! You captured it well. :)

Sueann said...

He decided you were done for the day

Nikki (Sarah) said...

too funny!!!!

Wanda said...

Now that's comical. Maybe he senses that you don't know when you've spent enough time with that laptop.

Just Be Real said...

Awwwww..... made me smile Kim.

P.N. Subramanian said...

Yeas I agree with you. I had a fox terrier which never allowed people to sit by my side on a sofa. It used to occupy whatever space is available, in between.

Rachel Cotterill said...

He's telling you to spend less time with us in blogland, and more time with him! Cute :)

Casey Martinez said...

I remember when I used to try and read a book or the paper and my small mini Dachshund would jump in my lap and be determined to take center stage over whatever I was reading. If I put her down she would whine and whine....oh man, too funny! Dogs are a riot aren't they!

Casey Martinez said...

Oh and as I am a firs timer to your blog it was encouraging to read your bio in regards to dealing with MS in your life for 30 years. My husband is only 28 but, the past 2 years of his life he has been rather disabled by a debilitating neuropothy in his face. All that to say I'm quite sure you are such an encouragement to so many who also have lived with painful or challenging health issues! Blessings:)

Joanne said...

What a face! He's sending a message loud and clear LOL!
Blessings, Joanne

Kim, USA said...

Oh oh I think he is thinking you are having so much fun behind that "tiny robot" lol!! The face says it all looks like he is thinking again what is that "robot" again that flash so much light?? These made me laugh here, thanks for sharing!! Happy Monday!

Yellow Sunset

Tracy said...

...don't we all just want attention furry included!

Deborah Ann said...

That is adorable! It's cool how you made the connection. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out what dogs are thinking...

Ed Pilolla said...

i used to have a well trained dog, and yet there were times where he simply refused to do what i wanted, and i often laughed just as you described. somehow, they know us so well they even know when to challenge us. a dog is a divine gift. looks like you two have a fine friendship:)

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

My cats do this to me sometimes!!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

Too funny! :)

Flying high in the sky.... said...

:):):) oh cute!!! you are right..they want our attention when we ignore them!

Becky Jane said...

I guess he gave you no choice but to give him what he wanted! LOL

Anonymous said...

We have a little doggy that thinks he has to jump on your lap if you have the laptop. He is very jealous!

TexWisGirl said...

love that sweet pup!!!

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