Monday, December 12, 2011

My Night Driving

net pic
This is a huge small accomplishment for me to be thrilled about!

I wanted to go to our MS Self Help Groups Christmas Party Dinner
however Hubs was working....therefore I was apprehensive about driving in the dark.

When I drive at seems like the bright lights of other cars look like the above pic

As I grow older my eyes are not what they used to be...dah
(like the rest of my body)

I was happy when I was back at home....with a sense of accomplishment and relief.

I will be trying new eyeglasses that may shield the glare.

I am Thankful for small achievements and eyeglasses!


Diane J Standiford said...

That's great, Kim! I miss driving.

Gail said...

HI - I "met" you over at Judy's blog "Peace Be With You". SO, Hi fellow MS'er!

Love Gail
with hope for us all.....


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've started having trouble driving at night and it makes me grumpy that it's happening already! I may have special glasses in my future too ;-)

Small Kucing said...

at least you dare to drive. I dare not

Deborah Ann said...

That's a great accomplishment! I have difficulty with night vision too. I usually refuse to drive, unless I really have to. And then I am very grateful to make it home in one piece.

Have a Merry Christmas, my friend!

Eat To Live said...

I try really hard NEVER to drive at night. The older I get the worse it gets.

Muffy's Marks said...

Is the vision part of the MS, or could it be cataracts? My night vision was like that, all lights were a blurry glare! I had cataract surgery, and walla, I can again drive at night. It made a world of difference.

My Mad World said...

That is a great accomplishment! Praying the glasses will help!
Glad you got to enjoy the party and made it home safe!

Ciara said...

I've always suffered from night blindness. I couldn't find a moutain five feet in front of me. I try never to drive in the dark. Thanks for checking out my trailer. :)

Karen said...

Fantastic Kim! That's big achievement!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congratulations on your nigh drive,glad you are home safe and sound. i don't like driving at night either.

Judy said...

I have minimized night-time driving (actually all driving). But when I do go out, I use yellow tinted anti-glare glasses and they help a lot. They help too when the sunshine is especially bright.

Alene said...

Yeah! Mission accomplished. I will have to agree I don't like the aging that our eyes do. Most frustrating!!! Blessings sweet friend.

sprinkles said...

I'm not a big fan of night time driving either. Have to do a lot of it with my job -- I'm always coming home late.

Glad you got there and back safely.

The Naked Blogger said...

That's great you were able to drive at night. Hopefully some new glasses will make it easier for you.

Glenda said...

I am so happy for you, Kim! Hopefully, the new glasses will be a big help! Have a great week!

Birdie said...

With my new job I have to drive at night and I am *so* nervous. It really scares me. Next year I am going to change my availability so I don't have to drive at night any more. I hate the glare! bah

betty said...

Good for you that you were able to go to your event and that you got home safely after night driving!! I do hope the new glasses make you more comfortable driving more at night as you want to!


Elephant's Child said...

Wow. Huge achievement.

Alida Sharp said...


Sueann said...

We must be riding together!! Ha! I see the very same sight when I drive at night! They have glasses for this? So cool! I will have to look into this

Anonymous said...

Glad your glasses helped. I have excellent night vision, one thing that the MS didn't affect, but I find as I get older that the glare is getting worse.

Of course everyone has to use the fog lights and then we have the lovely high intensity discharge lights which are like looking into an arc welder. When I become king of the world, our retinas will be treated with love, ear drums too. Last I checked the polls...I am not doing well.

Anonymous said...

That is a problem i have driving at night, the Glare from head lights :(

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Kim, My hubby has trouble driving at night.. He ordered some NIGHT glasses (look like sunglasses) --which get rid of the glare... They WORK for him..

Glad you got to go to the party... I'm proud of you!!!

Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on surviving the night drive! Things don't look quite that bad for me, but close. I hate driving at night and will absolutely refuse to drive at night in the rain. Yuck!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh honey, my name changes to Helen after dark! I'm night blind and am a danger behind the wheel after dark. I don't dare.

I'm so happy your trip was safe. God is good.

Have a blessed and beautiful day my friend!

BTW: place..ya'll come! I'll leave the light on and serve up some hot cider and fudge!!! :o)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glad you made it! I really had trouble with night driving until I got contacts. Still not perfect, but it's better than that photo now.

Just Be Real said...

Kim, such a great accomplishment. Blessings.

Flying high in the sky.... said...

ohhhhhhh...i am so thrilled to read this!!! WoW!! i am sure you must felt sooo good post this experience... it is always nice to achieve new bars in life... i am proud of you!!! i cannot drive :(!!! so i am happy you can!!!

Have Myelin? said...

Nighttime driving, kinda like going in my closet at in the dark to find my robe....LOL.

Becky Jane said...

Yay! for your 'safe' and successful adventure!

Ramakrishnan said...

Night driving can be tough & challenging. With headlights of other cars constantly beaming into your eyes you are partially blinded. Driving at night is largely by instinct(my experience on Indian roads & Indian drivers) Years of driving experience of course helps but it can still be dangerous.

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