Friday, January 27, 2012

My Squirrel Shield

I am continuing my squirrel posts since I know tenacious  squirrels will not stop trying to get to the bird seed.

We bought this squirrel blocker at Home Depot and it has worked for us for several years.

Hubs designed and made me this bird feeder....he would make boxes etc to try to block the squirrels from climbing up this pole

However, the squirrels would figure out a way to get past them
 til we bought this....
they cannot get past this shield even though they still try!

I was not asked to promote this product....just wanted to share what works for us

I hope this helps in the never-ending squirrel battle!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nice to hear about a squirrel blocker that actually works! Many of them don't, I understand. Squirrels are smart little bastards.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well that seems like a simple solution!

Chatty Crone said...

Honey I KNOW what you are going through. I have been battling those rodents for years. Now I am running a hotel in my attic. lol


Anonymous said...

This feeder is very cool! I have no convenient windows that look out into the yard so that I could watch and photo birds. My alternative is a kitchen window feeder. Now I'm looking for something I can hang on the deck railing but I really like your set up!

Mary Mennenga said...

I feed all that come to my feeders yes even those who eat the one's I feed. Thank goodness they tend to take their food to go!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

We have too many trees around for something like that to work... They will come from ABOVE.... ha

BUT---I love your bird feeder which your hubby made... He could go into business...

Have a great weekend.

Eat To Live said...

If they get a chance, those darn squirrels will eat every piece of seed there is. Good for you in blocking them

Artsnark said...

good to know. I always wondered if those worked (& have too many of those pests in my feeder this year)- thanks for sharing

Jill said...

That looks like a great idea. Thanks for sharing it.

Elephant's Child said...

How interesting. No squirrels here, and our possums are largely nocturnal and not interested in bird seed. They do cause problems when they move into your roof though.

Webster said...

The squirrel should just look around on the ground. I swear the birds at my feeder scatter as much as they eat!

Karen said...

Awwww, poor guy is hungry. I actually put out squirrel feed (dry corncobs, peanuts etc). The squirrels don't go near the birdfeeders, but now I have to find a bird shield, so they won't eat the rodent's dinner ;)

Rachel Cotterill said...

I have a slightly bigger version of that, and it really works. The only problem was, when we first got it, we put the whole thing slightly too close to the house - and the jammy little creatures would scramble up onto the roof and jump across!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you found one that works, looks simple to install. like betsy, ours leap from tree to tree. once my husband put wesson oil on the pole and we had so much fun watching the squirrel try to climb that pole, he did finally make it up

Ramakrishnan said...

Marvelous & creative idea. But the poor squirrels will hungry :)

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