Friday, January 20, 2012

Getting Out of the House

If you work outside the home, you may not understand how simply
going out helps me psychologically!

I went to our MS Self Help Group meeting....
when I wanted to stay at home, for no reason.

However, I think if I do not get out of the house....
I will become homebound when
I am blessed to have a choice physically to go or stay at home.

I made myself to go since I do enjoy the meetings
and Just getting out.....seeing other people 
makes me feel better.

Maybe we are meant to be social creatures!


Chatty Crone said...

I am glad you got out - I enjoy it too. sandie

Michele Williams said...

So glad you are still able to get out. So true, we do need to get out and enjoy the beauty of God's creation along with the friendships and support He brings along our path. Thank you for the reminder. By His Grace, Michele

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I've actually noticed it helps my boys too. If they're having a bad morning and we go out to do something (even if it's just going to the grocery store) it breaks up the bad moods.

Karen said...

Getting out of the house is really important to keep one's sanity! I often make myself go out as well, but today it's -14 outside, so I am staying in!

Muffy's Marks said...

I could quite easily become a hermit, if my friends and family would let me.

Ramakrishnan said...

Going out every day for a while is necessary. It refreshes & relaxes mind & body. It rejuvenates you, gives you more energy, greater zeal & enthusiasm. It makes you want to live .

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

That is so true. I remember feeling as though I were housebound when I had a new baby, and my husband was deployed. Just taking the baby in a stroller for a five minute walk around the block did wonders.

Even now, if I've been cooped up studying all morning, I'll change the scenery and study at the library for an hour, which helps that "locked up" feeling.

Wanda said...

While I do enjoy lots of alone time, there are times that getting out is an absolute necessity.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, "cabin fever" is no fun! Get out and mingle!

Becky Jane said...

I understand you completely! I look forward to just going grocery shopping with my husband...anything to get out and about! Except I do NOT like being out when it's dark and cold...brrrr

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad you went! Phil and I were just talking about this yesterday. We all seem to be a mixture of liking to stay inside and nest, but then get cabin fever after awhile and need to get out. I knew someone who couldn't wait to go places, and always got there way early. Then once she was there, she couldn't wait to leave and go home. I do think we need to make ourselves go out and move, while we still can and so we won't lose it. I love this cute picture!!!

Judy said...

You have the right idea. I too have to remind myself to get out and not become homebound.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

absolutely great to socialize, and important in our lives. i know two men who are hermits and live alone and never leave home, they are miserable and not doing well. so happy you now have your little go mobile to keep you out and about

Elephant's Child said...

Getting out is something I have to push myself to do. I do try, even if it is just a wobble around the garden.

Eat To Live said...

When it gets cold outside, I like to stay home. My Hubs just about has to drag me out.

Glad you got out and enjoyed yourself.

Debbie said...

I actually DO believe we're meant to be social creatures. God saw that right away and determined it wasn't good for man to be alone/solitary.

Good for you for getting out when you could! I find that I really need just to get out too.

Sueann said...

I don't know if I am convinced of that one. I enjoy my own company. Ha!!

Small Kucing said...

ya being in the house too much will makes us think of a lot of no good things. Its good to be out of the house

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I sometimes fight going out but always feel great when I say yes to invites. It's good to get out and hang with others.

Rachel Cotterill said...

I understand - sometimes I don't want to go out of the house (especially in winter), but I feel much better when I just get on with it.

DUTA said...

Going out is a Must. It doesn't neccessarily mean meeting other people, as those can sometimes irritate you with their words or behavior.

Going out to contemplate Nature and its wonders brings you health and serenity.

Clare said...

I am very much the same and have to force myself at times to get out, then I feel so much better.
We were not designed to be alone. :)

Flying high in the sky.... said...

love this new fresh feel !! WoW!! and the header!! wow!! glad you went out... good!!

TexWisGirl said...

love the title of your blog - and now i understand where it comes from. you go, kim. GO!

Aodhnait said...

Totally agree with you Kim. It is so good to get out for a breath of fresh air and meet people for a chat.

I live the pic of the green Smart!

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