Friday, April 1, 2011

My Bedroom Bookstore Giveaway Update

I am updating my earlier post about the Bookstore in my bedroom. I started selling the books on Amazon, one book at a time to get my home back to normal.

It seemed like an overwhelming task but I was going to do what I could.  I sold part of two cases from the 30 cases I had stored in this room.

I enjoyed my new business of getting that bookstore out of my house!

Surprisingly the lady called me soon after I had started selling on Amazon. She called to ask if she could bring the rest of the money and pick up the books.

Of course I told her that I had called for a year and assumed the economy had affected her.  However she had been sick and still wanted the inventory to open a Christian Bookstore.

She came a few weeks ago and moved most of it.  Almost all is gone, as you can see in the picture above.  (the boxes in the corner are garbage and the tree is ours :))

I still have 100 books to sell and soon my book selling business will be a memory.  I believe God has different plans for me other than selling one book at a time.....

Ginny is the winner for March!  This will end my book giveaway for now.  I still enjoy comments :)


Elizabeth Grimes said...

Good for you. I gave a ton of books away recently as well to the Vietnam Vets of America. They come pick them up which is nice. Feels good to down size a bit. :)

Jonathan Hunt said...

My husband is downsizing his Christian book collection.
I might get a little more room:)

Flying high in the sky.... said...

good...good... i am happy for you!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What will you do with that bedroom, it is beautiful!!!! Is that your spare room?

Have Myelin? said...

What a good idea! =)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad most of the books are gone, that is a beautiful room, now you can see that wonderful floor you have. good luck on the rest of them

S. Etole said...

Looks like a project I need to do.

Wanda said...

I know you are happy to get things almost back to normal.

Connie Arnold said...

Good for you, Kim. Now you have some room again and can see that beautiful floor in your bedroom.

Have Myelin? said...

I so love your wood floor....wowzie!

Clare said...

Seems I have posted accidently under mt husbands name Jonathan Hunt.
It was me Clare commentinmg earlier.

De cluttering is good.

Deborah said...

That is awesome! Congratulations to Ginny for winning your book!

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