Monday, April 11, 2011

Walking, Exercising, Walking More.....

I have been taking laps around the house this week!  Well it was inside the house with a walker but still a lot more walking than I usually do.

It requires me to say to myself, "get up and walk slowly to wherever instead of speeding there in my chair".

The Physical Therapist motivated me the way PT's do, with why we need to exercise.

I had been doing modified push-ups, etc.  He said "It will help the body even more to just plain ole walk"!

We all know we should exercise but it is never easy.  Of course, it is more difficult with diseases, injuries, age, etc.  Just do your best.

The explanation is "exercise keeps the body in better shape".  You will be able to face the bad times easier when they arrive.

We need to exercise our spiritual life also, to ride out the tough times that do come!


Becca's Dirt said...

Great advise. I am hanging my head since I haven't walked in about 2 weeks. Thanks for reminding how much I need it. Hope you have a good day.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my! I was just at the cardiologist and we were talking about me being unable to exercise! I now have a cane, a walker, and a transport chair!! It looks like a rehab facility in here!! I'm thinking of maybe getting one of those bicycle pedals that you do while sitting in a chair, I don't know...I'm glad you are able to get around with the walker for awhile, it will strengthen the muscles! I was always wanting an excuse to not exercise, but not this way!!

Mary Mennenga said...

You are so right movement is so important to keep our bodies working even if it's limited. It's how the body work's, without movement it begins to slow everything down. I've enjoyed reading your blog, your outlook on dealing with the ups and downs of M.S. is very helpful. Thank you

Karen said...

My neuro told me..."Use it, or lose it". I do yoga and stretching exercises. I can still walk (most of the time), so that's my main form of exercise.

Rae said...

Excellent advice and something I need to follow. I need to get busy and walk too.

Wanda said...

Way to go Kim. Good reminders for exercise both naturally and spiritually.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did an hour of wheel chair excercise at the nursing home where i volunteer. i sat in a chair and did what they did, they do it to music. it was a real workout, i was shocked. good for you, keep walking

WheelchairDecor said...

Thanks for the post. I found I enjoy doing Tai-Chi. It is stimulating but not over stressful to the joints!

Becky Jane

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Kim, I am so proud of you. My friend who has MS really struggles with walking. She knows that if she doesn't use it, she will lose it... SO--like you, she tries...


Glenda said...

And you are motivating me to walk! Thanks!!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Amen my friend! Hubby & I walk after dinner. The hill that used to scare me is now doable. It's all about keeping at it. Congrats on all your hard work!

Sueann said...

My 83 year old mother says, "Move it or lose it!" Ha! But she is right!
Good for you on walking!! That is super! I need to get back to it for sure! Thanks for the motivation

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Yep sister, ya hit the nail on the proverbial head. We all need more exercise...both physically and spiritually.

Thanks girl, this was a beautiful post.

God bless and have an amazin' day! :o)

Laura said...

my husband bought me a recumbent stationary bike for my birthday and put it together over the weekend...I astonished myself today with 3mi in 15 minutes...and then rested...a long time...but still... YAY US, huh?!!!

Patti Hanan said...

Thanks for the encouragement, Kim. It is important to keep moving at whatever level we can. And you are right, we need spiritual exercise, too, to grow! God bless you!

laughwithusblog said...

Yes great advice! We do need that strength when the tough times come don't we?

Deborah said...

That is awesome advise. I never exercise and yesterday I finally took my grandchild out for a walk in her stroller. I should do that everyday because of all the benefits.
Have a nice day!

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