Thursday, April 21, 2011

National MS Society Propels 50 New Studies

I share what I found encouraging....
$17.5 million propels new studies
The National MS Society has just funded 50 new research projects as part of our comprehensive strategy to STOP disease progression, RESTORE function already lost and ultimately END MS forever. New projects include clinical trials of new treatments, studies of molecules that may stimulate repair and comparisons of viruses that may be involved in triggering immune attacks in people with MS.
Read more


Dawn said...

This is always so very encouraging!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful Easter Weekend.

Anne said...

Always encouraging to see that so much attention is research for the cure.
Since I have MS, I find it my duty to help the scientists locally - often when I go to the hospital they ask for bloodsamples or for me to fill in a questionaire: I never decline that request for help.
Somebody helped finding the medicine that helps me - maybe somebody can use the info from me when searching for new clues/medicines/cure.

Nicole @ Two and Two is 4 said...

That is great!!! Thanks for sharing that!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is good news

laughwithusblog said...

That is encouraging!

kmilyun said...

always good to see more research in the mix

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, how great they have really ramped up the research!! I hope they will find a cure very soon, I have heard they are not too far away from one.

Glenda said...

Isn't it good to hear good news?!

Hope you and your family have a joy-filled Easter!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Exciting! Keep us posted.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks be to God, Kim... I hope and pray that they will put some priorities on MS ---and find more ways to help those--like you and my friend--who has it.


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