Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bad Grammar Excuses

I was not born with journalism talents.  I am still learning proper grammer (which I had to google to find out how it is spelled, Grammar).

I am blogging and trying to make sense when I have all these excuses not to:

1. I was raised in the Hills of hillbilly language
2. I sound out words wrong because I mispronounce them
3. English is a second language after I learned Country first
4. I have MS so I can have brain (cognitive) issues
5. Rurnt is not how to pronounce ruined. Just some of my history
6. Writing is hard work!

If I spent more time learning writing skills as I do making excuses.  Y'all know the answer to that is what you tell your kids, You would get it done!

Since I started blogging I have learned much more than writing skills.  I have fun with my blogging friends.

PS. After a few comments, I thank you!  I will stop comparing my abilities to other blogs.  A lesson for me: Do not compare yourself to others!


Rae said...

The best blogs are written by people without journalism talent. We all make mistakes in grammar. The main thing is to enjoy writing and blogging. I think you do a terrific job at it.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

I google how to spell words ALL the time. I use the dictionary and thesaurus too. No shame in that. I enjoy your blog. :)

Karen said...

Hi Kim,
I am a terrible speller, but I don't let that stop me. I don't think I have any journalistic talent, I just like to blog. I write the way I talk.

I don't take much notice of spelling or grammar errors on blogs I read. I am not coming back every day for an english lesson, I come back because I like what the person has to say.

I like your blog, and I like your excuses :)


Muffie said...

I have NO excuses for incorrect grammar usage -- I was an English major and I taught the language! However, I just don't worry about mechanics anymore as I blog; I simply pour out my thoughts. I love blogging and reading others, so if a word is wrong here and there, I don't even notice it.

Aries said...

I Google a lot for spelling too, thank goodness Google is so user friendly. At least blogging does keep us in touch with words. Happy blogging

Unknown said...

Like Muffie, my minor in college was English, but I enjoy blogging so much I don't worry about all my mistakes. You are doing a great job, and I enjoy your blog.

Deborah said...

That is so funny...Your writing is awesome and I have terrible grammar and spelling!! I learned to get over that :)
I'm emailing you my mother's story now.
Thanks for visiting today!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Well I love your blog...bad grammar and all! You always put a smile on my face & that's more important than a misspelled word!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

If only, if only, I could stop comparing my blog to others. i do it all the time and we should not, my mind knows that. we are all individuals and each has their own style and that is why we love bloggin. I am born country to. first 10 years in Savannah, rural way back then, 10 through 15 years in KY the back woods, hillbilly country of Harlan County, and then back to Savannah. until i married my yankee 27 years ago, talk about hillbilly accent. now it is a little better but it comes back real fast if i hang out with hill billies. by the way I LOVE HILLBillys

Unknown said...

I'm simply grateful that "leave your comment" has spell checker enabled.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you are making me laugh!!! I don't think many of us, myself included, care a bit about a bloggers grammAr!! We don't read blogs to learn perfect english, we read them to learn and see new things. It is what is in your heart that counts, not your brain!!!

The Unknowngnome said...

Hillbillies rule! I be a Wes Virginny gnome. And there ain't nothin' rong with us hillbillies.

Keep bloggin as you be doin Kim.

DUTA said...

I can relate to your excuses:

English is not my native language, and so, I often need to check the dictionary for meaning or spelling of a word.

I agree with your statement that 'writing is hard work'. However, as I go on with blogging I do feel improvement and that encourages me quite a lot.

Tracy said...

Nah, never compare you with others...we like you for you!!! and I had to laugh because I had a teacher assistant once from Kentucky and she was definitely from the hills...she prnounced the word heard as hear-d! and we'd laugh :) I enjoy that part of my job; teaching kids grammar~ so we are ALL learning!

Karen said...

I LOVE your # 3 excuse....

Achelois said...

I like your blog as it is. I also get cognitive problems from ehlers danlos so understand. Funnily enough I used to be pretty good at spelling and grammar. Nowadays I seem to have a particular problem with both, especially apostrophes and when I should or should not use them.

I have to force myself to stop apologising for content, spelling and grammar on my sporadic blogging as my lovely blogging friends tell me off. They seem to not mind me as I am and that makes my day.

Your blog is great.

Brenda Susan said...

Exactly! You are brave to walk into brand new unknown territory and you are sticking with it and I always love the comments you leave on my blogs!
Don't compare. You are you and that is totally good enough!

Laura said...

WE love your blog, and you exactly the way you are...there is no better or worse...we are just people sharing our lives with love.

WheelchairDecor said...

I think most areas of the country have their own little set of "words not said like their spelled", the funniest one for Utahn's is instead of saying the 't' in mountain, it's said mou-un.
Becky Jane

Glenda said...

I'm a country girl, too, Kim, and I can only be myself!! I think it's so neat that each of our blogs is unique; that's the way it should be! Please just be yourself, and we'll keep enjoying your blog.

Wanda said...

Kim, you gave me a giggle. And # 3 just took the cake ;).

Warren Baldwin said...

I still have a terrible time with speling and gramar, two :). Use the dictionary all the time. And what gets me - it is the same words that I forget how to spell, nearly everytime!

True, can't compare yourself to other bloggers. And there is no need to. Each has their own strength. From your list of followers it's evident that a lot of people like your writing!

fiftyodd said...

As an ex English teacher, I just don't like people mixing up "lay" with "lie". (See previous post of mine).

Splendid Little Stars said...

You are uniquely you! And that's what makes you interesting and fun. Yay for hillbillies! Yay for the diversity and richness.

D Martinez said...

I just started following you today and I wanted to say I laughed so hard at the bad grammar post. I also have southern country as my first lauange. I tell people I have a fat tough. Lol. Well I hope maybe you will follow me back on google.

P.s Thank you for such great posts.

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