Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Balance Questions

I asked "Are we sitting on a hill"?

Hubs said yes, "why does it matter"?

I replied, "I was trying to decide if we were parked on a slight hill, or was I having that vertigo MS stuff again".

This question has been running through my brain for most of my life. Fortunately my balance (vertigo with MS) has done fairly well.

Balance is so essential in our daily lives.  We are constantly having to balance jobs, chores, kids, spiritual life, computer time, etc

Life seems to be a balancing act.  I repeat, when balancing stuff do try to keep the right things at the top of the act!


The Unknowngnome said...

Friends like you are at the top of the act!

Now if I could only juggle at the same time. :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I know about the vertigo, I have attacks of it. Things will spin so bad that I can get nauseous. I usually get a warning a day or so before with a thumping in my ear. At it's worst, things spin even with my eyes shut and I cannot walk. I hope yours has never gotten that bad? I have bad balance anyway and tend to list to one side and walk crooked. I am so glad that you don't have much problem with it. There's not much you can do, my doctor says to take Dramimine in my case, but yours would not be caused by the same thing of course.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i often have trouble balancing my time blogging and emailing. i get caught up in it. i love it but do sometimes spend to much time on the computer. i put it at the top and need to stop doing that. i am late today because i had other things to do and now i am trying to catch up and wondering will the earth end if i don't write on all my friends today?

Dawn said...

A very good balancing post. Made me think ...(you seem to get me to do that a lot- which is a good thing- so THANK YOU!!!)

nicole said...

Short and sweet. Your words, not the vertigo! Kinda of lame...I know. But bottom line is, I have serious balance issues. My PT is constantly asking me to do something and my response is usually, You do it. My attempt to make sure its a normal movement! Because at the moment, I'm thinking I CAN'T DO THAT! Then I'll usually do some sort of variation of what she intended for me. I love my PT! Nicole

Nikki (Sarah) said...

a year ago I woke up with a weird virus in which everything was so dizzy that I couldn't even walk. Balance is everything. Thanks for this great reminder.

Laura said...

so is far too easy to get tipped, MS or no is absolutely a balancing act!

Wanda said...

It seems that I'm fighting hard to find and keep balance in my life these days.

Glenda said...

Such good advice, Kim!

Shanae Branham said...

You are so right about life being a balancing act. I have to continually pray to know if I am keeping the right things on top. I appreciated your comments on my blog about your husband's change of careers. I think you are right again, "If we don't understand...there probably is a higher purpose."

Dawning Inspiration said...

Balance - moderation....good words to keep in mind and in action!
Love your new blog look!

Karen said...

So very's always obvious to me when my life scale goes wacky...the Lord is the only one that can make it be level again...

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