Monday, March 21, 2011

I need A Guard Horse-Dog

We were in danger of a deer and just believe me, there is a deer in this picture.

I labeled it since it is just a brown spot in the photo.  Thankfully I have a guard watching that dangerous deer, I smile.

Hubs loves this horse-dog being near me for protection.  I feel safe even if I do not look strong in a wheelchair.

My dad said, "If I saw and then heard that dogs bark, I would not stay around to see how nice he is".

I have always felt secure since the Lord has protected me in so many instances!

I guess the Lord saw a need for a sweet horse-dog, not to mention companionship!


Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how cute! I bet he's a big baby! I love having deer in our yard. We have a mama & 2 babies(that are almost full grown now) around our house. I love watching them walk through our yard.

Debbie said...

Feeling safe is such a great thing! I'm glad you have your horse-dog:)

Muffie said...

I love when "our" dog comes to visit. But Kasey is NOT a guard dog! He'd let anyone in the house, and help them to rob it! But he's a cutie.

Karen said...

What a beautiful view Kim! There is nothing quite like the companionship of a dog, large or small.

Dawn said...

Love having that great big bark!
Nothing much better when you're alone:)

Becca's Dirt said...

Looks like a good companion watching out the window.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, I bet he's so sweert!!! And it is such a good feeling to feel safe all the time, even when you wonder if you remembered to lock the door!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

BIG Guard Dog--protecting his master!!!! ha ha .... Bet you don't ever feel scared with your watch dog beside you!!!!!

Cute picture---and I'm sure that that deer was very dangerous!!!! ha ha


Deborah Ann said...

I don't understand - why is the deer dangerous?

Your dog's protection is wonderful...

zoomdoggies said...

When we lived in Michigan, I remember watching 19 deer parade past the corner of our fence. The dogs (English and Gordon setters, at the time), were going ballistic. I'm sure the deer were snickering and blowing raspberries.

Dogs don't have to be big to keep the world safe from deer!

Far Above Rubies said...

Too cute. We have so many deer in our backyard roaming around - so carefree.

Feeling safe is a great thing: The Lord is our shield and buckler. Psalm 91

Love you, Kim.


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

your horse-dog is is our Lord! He provides!

Rae said...

You dog is wonderful. I used to have a 110 pound yellow lab that protected me and was always at my side. You have a beautiful view outside your window.

The Unknowngnome said...

And oh-so deer a horse-dog!

You have such a garden to view!

Kim, you always bouy me.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

baby girl, our hound dog, would be barking her head off at the deer, like yours, she would not hurt a flea. Jake, our boxer mix, would be watching, and he is a guard dog. love your story. and you are so right in you blog title. stuff can always be worse. love the title

Elizabeth Grimes said...

I don't know what I'd do without my dog. She's not much of a guard dog, but a great companion for sure. :)

Duane Scott said...

I love the idea of a horse-dog.

So funny.

And also I want to thank you for your sweet words over at Susan Etole's site regarding my 2 year old nephew's death.

So many people praying truly does lift the burden.

Glenda said...

Your sweet guard dog and God . . . I'd say that's security!! Your view from the window is beautiful!

Shanae Branham said...

Your dog looks sweet. This post reminded me about my dogs. Instead of deer, they let us know when moose are around. Your dog looks definitely BIGGER! Thanks for stopping by and supporting Ann!

Dawning Inspiration said...


Glory to God said...

Kim -

I love your horse-dog. He is certainly on the job, isn't he?

Hope you are having a great week!

God bless!

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