Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Word Filled Wednesday - Spiders

I believe this verse is for me in so many ways other than a spider. 

I was simply pruning the rose bush and of course there was a hidden spider again.  

I stopped clipping and got out the camera instead.

There are many Bible verses and psychological stuff that fit with this fear of mine....

 All I have to do is look above the spider to see new growth!

more Word-filled Wednesday at internet cafe


Karen said...

Ewwww...I don't like spiders. I have severe arachnophobia. Facing your fear by photographing it was a good thing Kim.

Amydeanne said...

I think this my first visit here! Thanks for joining WFW! :) I hear ya on the spiders!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

The reason I like to weed the garden in the heat of the day? Less spiders then! ;-)

Veronica Lee said...

Very brave of you to photograph it! Great pics!

Happy WW!

he said...

Icky! I do not like spiders as well, so you are not alone.

Love the bible verse!

Debbie said...

Oh, AMEN, Kim.
For me, especially lately, that adversary of ours has acted a lot more like a spider than a lion, too.

From the Heart said...

I don't like spiders either, but a great picture for your verse.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i don't like spiders either and neither does my husband, but he does come and rescue me when i scream. i am to scared to even kill one, he comes and kills them for me.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have arachnophobia and am scared to death of them!!! I used to have a long thing called a Bug Stick that could suck them up and kill them without me getting close, but used it so much that it broke. I have had many accidents running and screaming from spiders.

Wanda said...

I hate spiders and any other thing that creeps and crawls. Perfect reminder for us to stay on our guard. Happy WFW!

Renee said...

Several verses I've read so far have been about fear. God is certainly using Word-filled Wednesday to encourage me. Love your blog and thanks for visiting me at Doorkeeper! I signed up to see your posts via email. Blessings!

Alida Sharp said...

Great photos and love the verse... I am not a spider fan either!

Anonymous said...

Your roses are so pretty. I'm not much on spiders either!

Mystiqua Kimble said...

Happy WFW! Amen! Love this scripture...

Joan Hall said...

Kindred spirits on the spider thing. In fact, when I clicked on the link, I was hoping not to see a photo of a huge spider. :)

I love your last line, "all I have to do is look above the spider to see new growth."


The Red Brick Farmhouse said...

YIKES! I don't like spiders either. I would have done the same thing....grabbed my camera! :> )


Chatty Crone said...

Can't say spiders are my friends.

Libby said...

aw, kim, one of my favorite movies is arachnophobia! i learned quickly as a single mom how to kill creepy things when i was 18...

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Great outlook. I'm terrified of spiders too. You handled it much better than I would!

Mrs4444 said...

Less than five minutes ago, I found a HUGE spider on my bathroom floor. No way I'm going to let that go (Kyle got it for me). I'll probably be punished for that, but I'll take it over getting a spider bite in the night!

This was a sweet post :)

Rachel said...

I'm in the minority about spiders. I'm not the least bit afraid. I've always marveled at there hard work and perseverance. They rebuild a new web almost daily for shelter, food, and protection from adversaries.

But I totally agree with facing your fears, no matter what they are..

God created each creature with a specific purpose in mind, even the "creepy" spider...

Jenn said...

Spiders... snakes... lizards... I don't have a problem with at all... Wasps on the other hand make my skin crawl. My daughter got this fear from me sadly and I'm learning to face my fear to help her through hers.

Joanne said...

Good for you....seeing the beauty and looking beyond your fear! :O)
Blessings, Joanne

Julie Arduini said...

So much truth in what you say. Love it. Thank you for sharing. Thank you also, a belated thanks at that, for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind comment. Have a safe 4th!

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