Friday, June 17, 2011

Fathers Day Appreciation

I appreciate my Dad, he was there for us.  He had 5 daughters and raised us with one bathroom....Many men tell me that he deserves an award for living with 6 women??

He worked in the Copper Mines therefore I am a Copper Miner's daughter.

Dad risk his life many times when 3000 feet below the ground in those mines.  It was a large part of his life.

He also took us on vacations in Florida, trips to the Smoky Mountains, visit family, we just had fun.

Dad taught me how to ride a bicycle, Honda 90 motorcycle, a riding lawn mower, then how to drive a straight shift car.

The best moments are ordinary laughing and just spending time together.  Dad always had a great sense of humor.

Now that he is struggling to breath with COPD,  I value Fathers Day more.

I encourage others to appreciate their parents now.


Karen said...

Good advice Kim. Both my parents are gone and I miss them so much.

Rachel Cotterill said...

What a sweet post - he sounds like a great dad :)

Rachel said...

Kim, your dad sounds like a very special person! You're right spending time doing ordinary things are the best times. I understand how hard it must be for your dad, mine too had COPD, he also battled cancer three different times. He was a fighter till the end. I'm sure you treasure every moment you spend with him!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a wonderful tribute to your dad. sounds like you had a good life growing up, not counting the MS, I mean. a good father means a lot. both my parents are gone to be with the Lord, mother in 1990 and daddy in 2006.

Karen Mortensen said...

He does deserve a medal. ha ha He seems like a wonderful man. You are blessed to still have him around. My father passed away in 1985.

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Father's Day to your dad - what a great man!

Birdie said...

He must have been one very patient man! 4 daughters! 1 room! Wow!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Awww...what a sweet post! He was one very patient man to live with 6 women ;) I hope he has a great Father's Day!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Great post! My grandfather worked in the coal mines - he got black lung later on.

You could link this post up with Memory Lane Friday today if you like joining in on linkies :-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Father's Day to him!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are so blessed to have your dad still with you. Was the COPD a result of the mining? So very many people have this nowadays! I can't believe just one bathroom, I bet you could have some stories to tell about that!

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

A great post about your dad! And he sure does deserve a medal, especially living with so many women and one bathroom!

Muffy's Marks said...

what a great guy. Celebrate Father's Day with all your heart and soul.

Deborah said...

Hi! That was beautiful. I lost my Dad a couple of years ago now and I miss him so much. I have his Dog Buffy! She brings me alot of comfort :)
Have a nice weekend.

DUTA said...

What a lovely family picture!
This post is a very touching tribute to your wonderful Dad.

Debbie said...

An Amen to this post. Your dad DOES deserve a medal to have a house full of girls and one bathroom!

What a nice tribute to him!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful post about your Dad. He does deserve an award to raise 5 daughters! :)

I love your header!
(Stuff Could Always Be Worse)

Inday said...

You are blessed with a Father whom you grow up and live with for so many years. I lost mine long ago and I always keep his memories with me.
Happy Father's Day to your Dad Kim. I pray for his recovery. Yes, it will be joyful to see our younger generation to appreciation their parents more!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

He sounds amazing. Thanks for sharing a bit about him.

Sueann said...

Happy Fathers' Day to your precious father!!
I miss my daddy

Joanne said...

Awww he sounds like a great Dad! I am so sorry he is sick. what a blessing to know and really appreciate him now. alot of people wait until its too late. I hope he has a beautiful Father's Day! Blessings from one Daddy's girl to another! Joanne

Jenny Woolf said...

Oh he sounds like a great dad! I am glad you appreciate him, and it must make him feel good in his tribulations to know your good feelings about him.

Laura said...

I talk to my Dad and Mom at least every other day. I didn't used to when I was younger...but now it feels so important to connect, to be sure I tell them how much I love them and appreciate them often. The same with my sisters and brother. I think sometimes, that being sick yourself really wakes up gratitude and you start to appreciate your beloveds more deeply than ever before.

Warren Baldwin said...

Great testament to your dad. My father has trouble breathing too. His is due to asbestos from construction sites he worked at.

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