Monday, June 6, 2011

My Tangled Wheelchair

This is a story of an ordinary trip outside to take a photo with a small snarl.

Since I am independent I did not think about Hubs being at work.  I had a  horse dog who wanted to go outside with me, of course.

Horse dog starts to run and goes around and around my chair with his dog run.  He has done this before but he did not get as wrapped in my chair however he was hyper today.

I think ok, I will put the camera down before I fall out of my chair, since I was trapped by a dog run wire.

I move the chair back and forth and it will not come free.  Now I will try letting my horse dog lose and he gallops off to the woods.

I go back and forth while pulling on the wire....oh no, the wire was wrapping under my fenders more.

If I call our neighbor over here to free me, what an interruption for them, I was thinking.

I  keep pulling on the rope and I have been trying to see how it was wrapped as I go back and forth.

Suddenly it came lose and I was Free!  I yell for horse dog so we can go inside and he gallops home quickly.

We do get tangled up sometimes in life....Just keep trying to become Free of those tangles!


Becca's Dirt said...

Well at least the dog came back and you were able to free yourself. Trying to keep from getting tangled up with stuff today.

Karen said...

Glad you managed to get yourself free Kim! Those dogs do get so excited when it's time to go outside!

Pamela said...

So awesome. I take so much for granted and let little things frustrate my day. If I just kept pulling I could be free of the frustration. I'll remember that!

What a blessing you are!

Chatty Crone said...

No way to keep life from tangling us - but it's our way out of the tangles that define us.

You did great!

Daphne said...

Great story--things like this happen to me too and they ARE funny!

Anonymous said...

I admire your determination and good attitude. Glad it all worked out so well.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, that's a kind of scary story, but I am glad you are so mindful and cautious. So glad it finally came free!

WhiteStone said...

So glad your event turned out okay. At least the horse did not pull you off into the woods with churning wheels and flailing arms!! Glad you are safe.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Second attempt at leaving a comment:

Sometimes I try to take the garbage out, while carrying a load of laundry, AND bringing the dog. It usually doesn't work too well. Glad you got untangled and great outlook on life! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love your positive thinking :-) Your dog sounds enthusiastic!

sprinkles said...

I'm glad you were able to get yourself untangled. I think I would've freaked out and just made the situation worse for myself.

Jenn said...

I've hit some metaphorical tangles in life lately... but none so literal as yours. Glad to hear you were able to break free.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so you Hung In there! sorry about the pun, and did overcome your fear, just like from yesterday and everything worked out. so glad it did and you did not have to call for help.

Dawn said...

It's how we de-tangle that often shows us what we're made of. I like this post. A lot!:)

Dawning Inspiration said...

So glad you got untangled okay... but how true about the tangled messes we get ourselves in (not just physically... ) good post!

Karen said...

Glad everything worked out okay...and just think...your horse/dog just thought he was having fun...

I always love your closing thoughts...

Becky Jane said...

if only my kids were as obedient as your 'horse'
Glad you got free!

Birdie said...

Sometimes God has something to tell us. Today God used a dog and a wheelchair.

S. Etole said...

I had a little dog and a leash and more than one entangled wheelchair trip!

Inday said...

Looks like my recent blog coordinates with this tangled theme. Glad that your Horse Dog stay faithful and loyal and listened and obeyed your voice.

I truly appreciated your visit today. I must try to untangle some of my commitments so I can pay others some visits. But am really having fun time with my grandbaby at the moment. And I don't mind her giving me a tangling moment. Love it to bits.

Jane said...

Glad you are okay!!!!


DUTA said...

Everyone gets sometimes in a situation that requires thinking and ingenuity. You've acted very wisely in this case with the dog and the wire.

I like the message in the closing sentence of your post.

Muffie said...

Sounds a little scary! Glad it all worked out for you!

Anonymous said...

I love happy endings! Yes, we get into tangles sometimes, and they seem to take all our focus and energy, don't they? I think sometimes we are moving so quickly through life that the little snags make us crazy. But life is full of them, so we'd better be ready to take the time and figure them out before we fall off our "chairs."

Beautiful story. Totally made me smile :)

Glenda said...

Kim, I glad you were able to get youself untangled. Your dog must be well trained to obey you so readily!

You're so right: life gets all tangled up sometimes. I'm thankful for One who helps us undo the tangled mess!

nicole said...

I've heard this lesson so much lately! I wonder if somebody's trying to tell me something?

Laura said...

oh my...I remember once when my daughter was 10 and had broken her femur and was using a wheelchair she wanted to walk our dog (who thought she was a horse) well the dog decided to go into a gallop and we kept yelling at our daughter to drop the leash...but she didn't and ended up on the road with the wheelchair rolling toward her...thank heaven's she didn't break anything else. I now know NEVER to take my dog out while in my wheelchair...She'd probably be a good sled dog, if only she'd listen!!!

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