Friday, June 10, 2011

Hubs is an Employee

Hubs has finished the probational period at his job.  He is now considered an employee of a good company with benefits.  Yay!

After 8 months of unemployment we had many things working out for the good.

One nice benefit is that we qualified for the "Make Your Home Affordable" program for our house.

We learned that we can live without many things  we had thought were necessities.

I feel for those still looking for work.  I have a new compassion for them.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.....

This song has helped me through tough times since 1983.  The words come back to my mind when I  face them.


Jenn said...

*throws confetti* Congrats on the new employment status for your husband!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good news indeed!

DUTA said...

Congratulations! Good Luck to your hubby with his new job!

As for the video - powerful song and singer!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Woo-hoo! Congrats to your Hubs! We experienced that insecurity not too long ago. NOT FUN! What a blessing. :)

Chatty Crone said...

CONGRATULATIONS! There is a lot of learning through unemployment - we have been there many times. Best wishes.

Karen Mortensen said...

Praise the Lord. I am so happy for you and your husband.

Unknown said...

Reading good news is always a great way to start the day.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Karen said...

Yay for hubs and you!

Unknown said...

What an inspiring blog you have here! I learned about you through Becky Jane's website, Rise above Your Limits. I'm following you now.
I just gave you the Stylish Blogger Award! Congratulations! Read about it here:
If you like my blog please follow me too!
God bless,

Deborah said...

Congratulations...I'm so happy he has a good job!
My daughter's fiance just completed his trial basis too for his plumbing job. I was so glad he made it!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is a good song, I haven't heard it before. I'm so glad for your husband's job and benefits! I'm almost afraid to ask, but what are some of the things you discovered you can do without?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats to your hubby, Kim.. Things DO work ---if we are patient (which is not easy)....

I'm not commenting much but am reading... We're on the road!!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Congratulations to him!!

Gifts By Katherine said...

Good News!
I enjoyed my visit to your lovely blog Hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love this song and it has been a while since i heard it. so happy you have an employee in your family. my son lives in rural TN and i do mean rural, as in 30 miles to a walmart or anything else. he was laid off and found nothing for 2 years then found a job for a few months and is now without work. they live on his wife's disability check, or exist is the word. you are right, there is a lot we can do without when we have to

Kerri said...

Praise God! That's awesome! My sister was without insurance for like 2 years...what a blessing!!!

Birdie said...

Yay for you and hubby! Awesomeness!

I forgot about Russ Taff. Good song.

Muffie said...

Congrats!! I'm sure it's a relief to you both.

WhiteStone said...

Great news! And, yes, we gain more compassion for others when we've been in their circumstances, be it joblessness or illness, flooding or tornadoes, you name it.

Dawning Inspiration said...


And, I can relate about learning to live without the things one knew one absolutely needed - til they were gone... ;o)

Glenda said...

Wonderful news, Kim!! Your grateful heart spills over in your words!

I love the Russ Taff song!

Debbie said...

Praises going up with yours!

I came yesterday and left a post, but my computer or blogger ate it just as I was posting. Oh well... it was probably way too long anyway.

I'll summarize by saying that that was one very videos that kept me through our unemployment months. I kept it in my favorites and clicked it regularly. The other one was a Gaither version of "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms."

martha said...

God provides in times of need. :) Saw your link on FLAG.

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

Congrats!! Good things do come to those who wait, but the waiting takes forever!

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