Wednesday, February 6, 2013

When My Tooth Fell Out

While I was eating a tooth cap fell out of my out of my mouth....and bounced on the floor!  I instantly realized how important my teeth are!

We all had a giggle at me looking like the above net pic but...of course...I wanted to get it glued back in place ASAP!

so I went ahead and took the  risk to drive to the dentist when I was not sure I had enough gas to make it there with....(previous gas pumping post about that is here)

It was one of those days but some things are definitely well worth the effort.

I am so Thankful for modern dentistry that can glue a tooth cap back in my mouth!


Ms. CrankyPants said...

Oh, my! That must have been startling! I had a piece of a tooth snap off while eating some taffy many years ago... Love the picture you included!!

Eat To Live said...

You are becoming one brave woman!! I don't know if I would have driven thinking I might not have enough gas. 2013 is a good year for you.... You are getting more active, pumping your own gas .... who knows what is next!!

Judy said...

Thank goodness you made it there. We tend to take teeth for granted but they are so essential!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

So glad it was fixable. This happened to my mom recently.

Karen said...


I too am thankful for modern denistry, even though they couldn't fix my tooth, and had to yank least it wasn't a front one.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I always have such fear of something like that happening... It CAN --and as you know, sometimes does... Glad you got it fixed quickly.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yikes! I am very glad you did not swallow it! And that it all turned out well. How long have you had this cap? I have many, but never had one come off like this.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad it is back in place and you did not run out of gas....

Rachel said...

There's no keeping a good women down!
Glad to hear your tooth could be repaired quickly...Can't wait for your next solo adventure!

Muffie said...

I think I would have been like you and high-tailed it to the dentist! So glad you're back in one piece again!

nicole said...

It's. good you were able to tend to it so quickly!

nicole said...

It's. good you were able to tend to it so quickly!

lindagrace said...

I agree Kim, front teeth are too important to be without! I'd have done the same if I could!

Birdie said...

Yikes! I have nightmares about losing teeth. There is always something that prevents me from getting to the dentist like no gas or I can't dial the phone or they are closed.

I am glad you have your smile back. :-)

Jane said...

After having had several temporary caps come off, usually on the weekend, I discovered you can buy dentistry cement at the grocery store and glue it back on until you can get to the dentist. I've also heard that a dab of toothpaste will keep it in place, but I prefer the glue. I don't want to swallow it by mistake!

The Unknowngnome said...

Sorry, I giggled too. :)

Aodhnait said...

Oh dear! I'm clenching my teeth in support

Anonymous said...

I've never had this happen but have sure though about it...certainly disconcerting to say the least! Glad to see all is well!

Are We There Yet! said...

Happy you got your tooth glued back in so fast.

Connie Arnold said...

Glad you were able to get it fixed quickly. It would be terrible to be embarrassed to smile because of the gap! Wonderful what dentists can do to help retain the beautiful smile!

Small Kucing said...

when desperate time we have to do desperate things.

Me too would do that. Cant rest properly till the cap is attached again

Dr. Gerald Regni said...

A disaster turned into laughter for the ages. It was really unfortunate that it happened at the most inappropriate time and place, but I'm glad that you got it fixed right away. Modern dental techniques sure do offer a lot in terms of improving one's teeth. However, diligence to follow schedule is a must to ensure the procedure's success.

Gerald Regni

Bakersfield Smile Design said...

Thank you for sharing this experience it looks funny but teaches a good lesson that how important the teeth are.Dr Krauss Bakersfield help you to make your teeth better.

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