Friday, February 22, 2013

Watching Squirrels

I think this a squirrel where I have labeled  'squirrel' on this photo.

(they are entertaining to watch as they jump among the trees)

They worked for days to get to the top of this lone pine tree...
~and built a nest~
I admire their tenacity til...

They damage our getting into our attic...
and chewing holes in the screen on our deck!

They have crossed the cuteness line for me and are turning into
pesky critters now...
Funny how something can start out as cute...and can turn into troubles so quickly!


Eat To Live said...

You don't even have to tell me how damaging squirrels can be. I had a house fire one time due to animals getting in the attic and chewing the wiring.

Here is a way we keep them out of our home now. The Post says keep mice out, but this is big and works for squirrels too.

I hate doing it, but one house burning is enough.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are adorable to watch and horrible pest. the hawks were hunting yesterday and i said Take Our Squirrels...

Muffie said...

Finally -- others who see beyond the 'cuteness' to the destructive vermin they really are! Squirrels are not my friends!

Ms. CrankyPants said...

Oh, dear! They really are cute; I don't even mind them raiding the bird feeders or eating my pansies, but I've never yet had them do damage to the house.

We did have raccoons in the attic and called a place recommended by the humane society to trap them and then put up mesh they (or other critters) can't chew through and get back in.

Ginny Hartzler said...

They may have babies in there, what are you going to do?

sprinkles said...

We have lots of squirrels running around on campus and it's fun to feed them. But yeah, I wouldn't like it too much if they were to get into my house either.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

AMEN to your post, Kim. Those pests cause all kinds of damage... We have them also --and they drive us crazy. As cute as they are, I for one doesn't like anything about them.


Birdie said...

Cute but so destructive! A problem that needs to be take care of in anyway possible.

Sueann said...

That is so true...anything in moderation is fine but step over to too much and you get destruction!!
Good luck on ridding your self these pesky squirrels.

Ms. CrankyPants said...

As Ginny noted about the babies: the place we contacted did set up a temporary door through which any animal in the attic at the time could get *out* but not back *in.* They left that up for about a week and then came to put up the permanent mesh. In the meantime, we stopped hearing scurrying above our heads!

Are We There Yet! said...

What pests they are. They sure did a number on your screen.

My Odd Sock said...

Do you ever wonder if the squirrels watch you?...Snickering about your "funny" habits?

Elephant's Child said...

It is possums which get into our roof cavities. Years back I was at a friends place when part of her ceiling collapsed - due to the weight of possum piddle. Eeeuw.

Rachel Cotterill said...

We have some friendly squirrels, they like to come and pinch seeds from under the bird feeder. Thankfully ours haven't done any damage!

Small Kucing said...

i saw a few when i was visiting mount kinabalu. Oh boy they can really "fly"

diane b said...

That seems to be the way with a lot of critters unfortunately. I guess we have to learn to live with them. I hope you find a way to discourage them.

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