Monday, February 25, 2013

My Smart Car Adventures

When we drove into the above scene....I said to my car "We are home"  Look at all the Smart cars!

The reason for going here started when some kind of critter chewed the outside temperature wire on my car....which made the check engine light stay on.  Thankfully Hubs could fix it...but finding the part for a Mercedes was not easy.

When we were inside this really nice place...I thought of how 25 years ago I had said...."Someday I want a Mercedes" and now I actually have one!
Ok it is a tiny Smart car made by Mercedes carrying a scooter on the back of it...but still some dreams do come true!

I doubt this is the end of my critter troubles but at least this chapter  had a happy ending!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hope those critters stay away now!

Karen said...

A dream come true! Hope the critters leave it alone.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

critters can really wreak haovo on cars and all kinds of things. i did not know smart cars were Mercedes... i see them around town but have not seen them on a lot, could be the reason is we don't have a Mercedes dealer here.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Dreams do come true, Kim... Just think of the amount of gas money you are saving by driving the little car.... That's awesome...


Ms. CrankyPants said...

Those critters have good taste! Sorry about the chewing business...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Goodness, this s the most strange car problem I have ever heard of! I hope it is O.K. from now on!

Judy said...

Funny how wishes come true in the most surprising ways! The only downside is that the critters may have been wishing for a Mercedes, too. Now, you need to engage in bilateral negotiations!

Eat To Live said...

Oh my gosh... those critters are bad at your place.

I just ran out and checked the name on that plastic box I told you about.

It is Tom Cat and they work well for me. Like I said.... I have 3 of them sitting around my house. They cost about $18 each and then you buy the blocks of poison to put in.

Birdie said...

I am glad that you were able to get yourself that Mercedes!

Webster said...

Critters... bad, bad critters!

Smart cars... good, good smart cars!

Mercedes that don't run on diesel fuel also very good!

Elephant's Child said...

Bad critter, bad bad critter. There, I hope that suitably chastised he or she leaves your pride and joy alone from now on.

Anonymous said...

Smart Cars, I wonder who dreamed that up... lol!

Debbie said...

I feel like the biggest dolt because I didn't realize that Mercedes made the Smart Car.

Flying high in the sky.... said...

aah!!!!! :) readaing your blog like sipping cold earhty drink on a sweaty calm hot the happy ending...makes me believe in fairy tales all over again!!!!!!!!!!!! am very very very happy for you!!!!!!!
stay blessed and stay happy!
May all your dreams be fulfilled :)!

Dawn said...

I didn't know Mercedes made the Smart Car either!:))
Gas money in your pocket;))

Randall said...

Nice looking car Kim. Must be fun to drive where others can't squeeze. I used to have one of those Suzuki Samurais a bit larger than a smart car but still small, and I bet bumpier than this car.


Randall said...

Nice looking car Kim. Must be fun to drive where others can't squeeze. I used to have one of those Suzuki Samurais a bit larger than a smart car but still small, and I bet bumpier than this car.


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