Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What I Could Not See

outside my window
My horse dog started barking at this scene with moths nest in it...
so I grabbed the camera
to get a closer look at what he was barking at.

the camera zooms in...to show me...
 ~an owl

I felt this is a reminder for me to notice the simple beauty that is all around me!


Muffie said...

Kim, what a beautiful photo!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Oh my goodness, I would have been in heaven to see this. How long did it stay there?
I have an owl in the tree outside the bedroom window, love his/her call at night but have yet to see it.

Small Kucing said...

if you had not zoomed I would not have saw what is it that the dog was barking at.

Eat To Live said...

Good thing you have a big dog or he might of been that owls dinner.

Very cool Kim!

sprinkles said...

I've never seen moth nests before.

How cool that you got to seen an owl. I saw one on campus a couple of semesters ago, but he was too high up to get a good look.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy the horse dog barked, this is super duper and i am a tad jealous. i would love to see one

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh I love owls!

Anne said...

wow - what a wonderful surprise

Unknown said...

Nice photo entry and indeed a reminder to notice what is often right outside if we only look.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Have Myelin? said...

Oh I remember moth nests in Texas! What a beautiful photo with the owl!

Wanda said...

Those dogs just have a knack for seeing what goes unseen my most of us. Nice shot.

Are We There Yet! said...

I wonder what he was after. He wouldn't eat the worms in the nest would he?? Maybe.

Great picture of him

Anonymous said...

Thank you barking dog! What a great capture...congrats!

Aries said...

What a lovely owl. Wish I had a backyard like yours with lots of woods and greens. We, staying in town with houses build so close to each other we hardly had a chance to see much of the nature. At most I only get to see stray dogs and cats and tiny birds.

Unknown said...

Owls are super cool and so mysterious looking I think.

Veronica Lee said...

Beautiful, Kim!

I love owlies!

Elephant's Child said...

How wonderful. (I am thinking jealous thoughts here). I love your trees as well. Thank you - this is a beautiful post, and a timely reminder.

The Unknowngnome said...

Simply beautiful and wise advice.

Sueann said...

Oh my gosh!! He is gorgeous!!
Good dog

Nancy said...

Great find!

Just Be Real said...

Oh my goodness Kim how awesome is that. I was also intrigued what is captured inside of those moth nests????

S. Etole said...

I've been hearing one at night but haven't spotted him yet. What a treat this must have been.

Rachel Cotterill said...

He's such a beauty! Wonderful :)

Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

What a beautiful shot! Did your dog get a treat for alerting you to it? ;-)

Joanne said...

WOW!! What a beautiful owl...come to think of it I don't think I have ever seen an owl other than in a zoo. Great photo!
Blessings, Joanne

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Absolutely. Beauty is all over. What a wonderful photo of first the webs and then the owl... I love all those trees..you can watch the antics of the squirrels and birds. Your dog has sharp eyes.. x

Sextant said...

Wow, that is so cool. I am pretty sure it is a barred owl.


We had one during the spring and early summer down in the woods below my mother in law's place. We could hear him but never got a look at him. My brother in law is a naturalist and he tried calling him in with an owl call. We could never get him to come in but several of the neighbors did see him when we were not about.

Wow what a cool find. They have a really cool call. If you click sound, on the above site, there is a short sound bite you can play. What a great photo!

diane b said...

A great capture of natures beauty. The camera helps you see simple beauty. Enjoy.

BARBIE said...

Oh wow, that's so beautiful. My friend has three or four white owls that come and sit on the phone pole outside her house at dark. I've tried to capture them, but don't have the right equipment to do it in the dark. I would love to see them up close.

Anonymous said...

I've done that too, used my 300mm lens as a telescope!

Becky Jane said...

Wow! What a beautiful owl. I wonder how many cool things I've missed because I wasn't paying attention.

Unknown said...

Awesome dog to let you know 'hoo' was in the tree. Be still and the beauty appears.

Wanda said...

Just stopping by to say hello Kim. Hope all is well with you. Have a great weekend.

Laurie said...

Moth nests? Those white ghostly looking things? *Shrudder*

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