Saturday, September 22, 2012

Playing Games

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I confess that I have been wasting time...
playing games on Facebook

I do not know why but...

maybe it is an escape for my brain
maybe it is an escape from stress
maybe it is an addiction
or maybe it is just plain ole Fun

However, I miss I hope to get back to blogging more often now.


Karen Mortensen said...

I love playing games on facebook too.

Eat To Live said...

LOL..... I never got into playing games on facebook. Good thing because I spend enough time wasting time.

If it is relaxing and you are having fun.... I say go for it.

Elephant's Child said...

I don't play Facebook. Just the same
the time I 'waste' each day is often the most rewarding part of my day. Go for it.

Karen said...

I rarely go on Facebook, but if you are having on!

BARBIE said...

So much fun, but can be huge wastes of time. I stopped playing them, although I love to play Bejeweled every now and then.

The Unknowngnome said...

Sometimes one just as to get away from blogging. Game playing is more fun!

Ramakrishnan said...

Facebook is lots of fun. But Facebook can become an addiction so you need to be on your guard. I am sure you will return to blogging soon !

Sueann said...

Hey! Good to see you!!

S. Etole said...

I "lose time" playing games on my Kindle. Sometimes a person just needs a little diversion.

Sextant said...

I refuse to belong to Facebook due to privacy issues, although I am sure they know more about me than I do.

But none the less I waste a lot of time on ... blogging, and I love it.

My wife and I got into mahjong (real not the computer) and we love it. We play the Old Hong Kong version which is a lot like rummy. Lots of fun and we are doing something together. She is a better player than me so I get brownie points because she usually wins. There is method to my madness.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

do what makes you happy, that is what i do.. i love the new header.

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