Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Sweet Sound of Snoring

My Hubs snoring drove me crazy for the past 20 plus years

but now....the snoring has become comforting.

Go Figure???

what was sooo irritating has become soothing!

Strange how things can change as time goes by.


Karen said...

My mom said after my dad passed away, that one of things she missed was his snoring.

Are We There Yet! said...

My Hubs snores like Fred Flintstone and I have to wear ear plugs. I can only wish for the day when it is soothing.

Eat To Live said...

My Husband snores...... LOUD, VERY LOUD. Nothing soothing about it. LOL...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so thankful mine doesn't snore since i am a light sleeper. i think it is great you have adjusted and it comforts. part of being married and a big part to me, is the comfort of having our hubby's around, even if/when they aggravate.

Ramakrishnan said...

When you live next to an airport the sound of planes landing & taking off is very noisy. But when you move away you cannot sleep in the absence of noise. The quiet can be disturbing !

Elephant's Child said...

I think my mother nailed it when she said 'it is not that we think the people we love are perfect. We simply prefer their faults to other people's virtues.' Though snoring is a biggie. I am also a light sleeper. However on nights when I am awake because my mind is going round and round his snoring is comforting. Home is where the snore is.

Sueann said...

Ha!! I feel the same way. I feel comforted by the snoring.
Hugging you

Small Kucing said...

your husband snore too ya? LOL...Mine too.

Gets to be very irritating. Butthen the other day he claims that he can't sleep when my sister-in-law(his younger sis) came to visit coz her snore disturb his sleep :p

Karen Mortensen said...

That is so sweet. Even though my husband snores sometimes, it is always good just having him near.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Some of Rays snoring is more like a purr..But some is so loud, its not good nor healthy. I snore some. My grandson tells me mine is quiet while Rays is loud.. Hey, one of my dogs used to snore, can you believe that.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how that can happen...

Anonymous said...

I don't believe I could handle it! Oh no, maybe I'm a snorer....hope not!!!

Laura said...

so true...good to hear from you Kim...I've not been doing a whole lot of visiting for months, but now that the season has changed, and my body seems to be slowing down again too, I think I'll be online more again.

Unknown said...

When I first went to college I had a hard time sleeping because I missed the sound of my Dad's snoring!

Aries said...

My hubby snores too but since he took his cholesterol pills and manage to bring down his cholesterol and especially when he sleeps side way, his snore isn't loud anymore. I snore too when I am over tired before I go to bed. happy blogging to you and have a nice day. Come over my blog site and see the photo I took of the sun, a sun with a halo.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Kim, Guess I'm lucky in that respect because George doesn't snore much... My first husband did --and I'd have to punch him and get him to turn over during the night....

Not sure it could ever be soothing --but maybe it can... Life does change for us, doesn't it???


Stacey said...

Much can be learned from this, from all of us. Love ya my friend!

Artsnark said...

I wish I felt that way! I have to wear earplugs & my DH still wakes me with his "music"

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