Monday, August 22, 2011

"To Touch The Past" Book

This is not a book review since I had a very small part in helping to write the book.

It started with me enrolling in Ms. Kathy Thompson's Photojournalism class back in High School.

The class wrote the book "Touching Home".    I remember Ms. Thompson working very hard on the book as most teachers do.

I went along with others to the interviews but I too shy to say much......The interview I Remember the most was with a teacher about "One Room Schools".

It is no longer in publication but "To Touch the Past" is a new version of it....which is still about our Appalachian Life.

I still have some of the words echoing in my head when I read the book again.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is really cool and touching to the heart. I did not realize you were raised in Appalachia, me to, in Kentucky. have you looked a the blog Blind Pig and the Acorn? it is on my side bar, she lives in and writes only about Appalachia, a really good blog and she is a writer also. check her out. where were you raised?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love reading the Foxfire books - all those wonderful Appalachian memories. Sounds very similar!

Joanne said...

Sounds like a good book to read I love reading about personal histories.
Blessings, Joanne

Rachel Cotterill said...

What a great project to have been involved in :)

Glenda said...

How special that your school published a book! I'm afraid we are not passing on our heritage these days as we should.

Debbie said...

Ironically, my sister, mom, and I were just talking about those Foxfire books that I remember from back when I was a teacher.

We started the discussion because we were talking about our pitiful poor survival skills. I really need to learn more about the older ways. Plus, it's just plain interesting.

Wanda said...

Can't imagine you being shy Kim. Who knows that could have been when the seed of writing was planted.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How neat, Kim, to be part of the life of a 'famous' writer --and teacher. That is just SUPER...

Didn't know you were from Fannin County!! We love that area of GA --and have visited that area many times, hiking and visiting waterfalls.

LVH Productions said...

As I read your post it made me see in my mind the teacher working non stop trying to finish the book, and part of me felt sad that the book was no longer in publication and at the same time happy that a new version is coming to life now.

Following from VB

Sueann said...

Oh how wonderful to have been a part of this!!

Eat To Live said...

Oh... how great to have a part in writing a book.

When I first started school, I too went to a one room school. In about 2 months, they built a real school with 6 grade school rooms in it. Still small, but much better than one room.

Ed Pilolla said...

a photojournalism class in high school, that sounds like a lot of fun. i waited until i was out of college in get into the business and something tells me i would have had a blast getting into it much earlier:)
sounds like a cool project.

DUTA said...

How interesting!
The book has a superb cover.

tipper said...

Sounds like a wonderful book!!! I live just a hop skip and a jump from Fannin county. Hmmmm maybe I know some of the folks in the book : )

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