Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Memories from a Tomato Sandwich

As I was slicing this tomato I remembered my Mom or Dad saying "Be Careful" when I was young and slicing a tomato....

I also have a fond memory of picking a fresh tomato off the vine in the garden then biting into it with juice dripping into the dirt....mmm

Just feeling gratitude for these memories brought back to me by a plain ole tomato sandwich!


WhiteStone said...

Mom would send me to the garden to pick something for dinner. While in the garden I loved biting into a ripe tomato that was sun-warmed. So deelicious.

Becca's Dirt said...

Good thoughts. I love me a tomato sandwich too - add bacon please. Everything is better with bacon. Speaking of memories of yesterday - everyday when I make my bed I am reminded of when I was very young - maybe 6 or 7 - mom made us make our bed. I got smart and figured if I didn't move at night then the bed wouldn't be messy and I could just pull up the side and I'd be done. I even slept on top of the covers so as not to mess it up. Well I still make my bed everyday and the bed is not too messy either. Funny.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

woooo hoooo this is my KIND of "cooking" and I love mater sandwiches

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love fresh garden tomatoes - no matter how they're served!

Chatty Crone said...

I LOVE tomato sandwiches. And I did cut the tip of my finger off cutting tomatoes a few months ago with a slicer - threw it away! OUCH.

lynnmosher said...

Isn't it awesome how the smallest thing can be such a comforting and special memory? I know exactly!

Anne said...

Got cheese, tomatoes (fresh from the green house) and bread..... yum yum just reading your blog, and I know what's for dinner :o)

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

YES!!! and it had to be on white bread with a bit of mayo. Soft fresh white bread that when you bit into it the bread stuck to the roof of your mouth and you had a difficult time trying to eat that bite. Oh boy, what a memory you just brougt back to my mind.

Hope your day is good and staying cool. I see you are in GA, I am too, near the big granite rock.

S. Etole said...

It's interesting what triggers our memories whether it be a sight, a sound, or a fragrance.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nothing like home-grown tomatoes! We're enjoying the bounty of our tomato plants right now.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Strange and wonderful how little everyday things like this can bring back long ago memories, even smells are so evocative!

Dawn said...

Love this. It IS the little things in life that mean the most- isn't it?
(Your title is adorable:)

Elephant's Child said...

And home-grown tomatoes are sooo much better than the supermarket ones.

Lauren Gardner said...

Cute blog! I am lovin it. :) I'm looking forward to exploring it more! If you get a second, go check me out and if you like, dont hesitate to follow! :) Have a magical day!

sprinkles said...

My mom used to make us tomato sandwiches once in awhile when I was a kid.

Karen Mortensen said...

I'm with you. Tomatoes are great.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

aww Kim....I love this...I can see those tomatoes squirting out....☺

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wonderful, Kim... I love 'mater' sandwiches... Give me a piece of bread, put a little mayo on there, and a fresh sliced tomato and dash of salt --and I feel like I'm in heaven!!!!

Ed Pilolla said...

i just had me a tomato sandwich myself yesterday, with a sesame bagel and vegan spread. i never knew eating off the vine until my mother grew tomatoes on her balcony. how wonderful to eat a vegetable without worrying over how it has been poisoned with pesticides. simple joys are the best:)

Debbie said...

Sometimes the simplest things just speak volumes. I believe a tomato sandwich happens to be one of them.

(And this would be a perfect addition to the simple pleasures party today at )

Eat To Live said...

I love memories like that and fresh picked tomatoes are the BEST!!

Anonymous said...

I too remember the days tasting fresh juice from tomatoes plucked from grandma's garden. We too played by pressing the juice on others, just for fun. Nice post Kim :)

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I love fresh garden tomatoes! I won't even really buy them at the grocery store. I just do without. Thanks for sharing the memories!

Ed Pilolla said...

haha! i had a tomato sandwich today, as a matter of fact, grown on my mother's tomato vine. i love it when i don't have to worry about the chemicals on the food i eat:)

tipper said...

I have those same thoughts when I make one : )

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