Thursday, August 18, 2011

My MS continues to be Inactive

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I went to Shepherd's MS Institute in Atlanta for my yearly check up with an MRI scan of my brain (yep I still have a brain)......

The doc said "Your MS is still Inactive". 

That was great news to me but how do I have new pains such as a "burning sensation" in parts of my body?  and Leg spasms.

I cannot take the medicine they recommend for nerve pain during the day without being Loopy!

Thankfully I was sorta pain-free for 30 years with MS.  I just had to add my complaints or reality nowadays.

I will not complain much since I saw others in the MS Center that were much worse than I....and some were so young.....

If I have to have MS, then Inactive is the kind to have.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Even though you know it's still a struggle, inactive is good news - I'm happy for you! :-)

Chatty Crone said...

Inactive is great news - but you still hurt with MS - I have a dear friend from college with it - Inactive - but she hurts too.


Gosh I am 40 minutes from the Spinal Center!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Long may it remain inactive!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is great news and I am so happy for you!! I hope it will continue this way for many years!!!!

Joanne said...

God bless you! This is great news! I hope your pains go away.
Blessings, Joanne

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YIPEEE! Inactive it is, I am so happy to hear this. I will pray it is inactive, dead and GONE. sorry about the pains

DUTA said...

Great news!, indeed! May your MS be inactive forever!

Debbie said...

What a praise!

Judy said...

Inactive. Hooray!!

sprinkles said...

Congrats!!! I'm so happy your MS is inactive, excellent news!

I'm amazed at how many people around here have MS.

Elephant's Child said...

Inactive would be wonderful, but benign would be the best. One attack then gone for good. Sigh. And I met someone who fell into that category. I was so, so jealous.

Isn't it weird that the docs can say 'inactive' and your legs and pain receptors say FAR TOO ACTIVE. Hopefully the pain will ease back and you will stay inactive.

Karen said...

Inactive...what a great word to hear! Yay!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good for you, Kim... I'm so happy!!!! That's the best news you could hear!!!

Flying high in the sky.... said...

good!! good!!! inactive!!

Toyin O. said...

Praying it will remain inactive:) Have a restful weekend.

Unknown said...

"still" inactive sounds even better than inactive - wishing you pain free inactive

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Anne said...

Inactive - congrats Kim :o) Some hate that word, but us MSers, we embrace it.

lindagrace said...

I'm happy for you!! And I have the same questions! MS is also "inactive" in my body, so why can't I get over the problems that I have, you know the old damage? I also am starting to feel some pain in my feet when I'm sleeping at night~ What's with that? Like you, I know it could always be worse, but...

Laura said...

Inactive is great news...but I'm sorry you are experiencing that icky burning pain.

Wanda said...

May it remain in that state Kim.

Achelois said...

ditto to that which everyone else has said with regard to inactive. I have EDS not MS but sometimes the descriptions I read of symptoms are so very similar. I understand how utterly frustrating the pain you describe can be. U am supposed to take my neuropathic pain meds in the morning as well as at night but mostly I take them at night for the very same reasons you describe.

BARBIE said...

Great news!

Unknown said...

When I developed clonus (leg and arm spasms) burning and weakness in my legs the initial diagnosis was MS until MRIs revealed herniated disks and stenosis (restriction of the spinal cord) in my cervical spine. Surgery and meds did a fair job of alleviating the symptoms and I went back to work full time. Then a bad fall in '05 severely damaged my lumbar spine and I was forced into early retirement. A lot of the old symptoms came back with a vengeance but I had experience with the meds and was able to work with my doctors to come up with a suitable regimen. Still, when I pick up refills at the pharmacy it's not unusual for one of the pharmacists to ask if I have MS.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

great news Kim.....and I echo what others said...may it always be inactive....

Anonymous said...

Great compliments to you Kim! I admire the way you take life at courage. Take care dear :)

Glenda said...

Inactive, in your case, is a beautiful word!! Great news!!

Ed Pilolla said...

i didn't know about inactive ms. very interesting journey...

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