Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Scary Night

In the dark everything seems scarier....even if you are a horse dog!

I let my horse dog Donny out  before bedtime.   He was strolling around the yard marking his territory. 

He suddenly stops and barks frantically.

I can see him barking as I yell and yell for him to come inside....All the while I am thinking:

"what if there is a person out there"
"what if Donny gets hurt by a vicious dog"
"what if he sees a coyote"

Finally, He comes back inside but obviously was shaken.... Hubs goes outside to investigate what has upset our Donny.

It was a shiny balloon which would look frightening to any dog at night. (photo taken next day)

This is a reminder of how things seem more frightening in the dark whether we are a horse dog or a human!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Poor dog. I used to have a cat that was TERRIFIED of those mylar balloons!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Oh, poor Donny! Lol. My dog is afraid of garbage bags! She freaks out every time we take the trash out!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am such a wimp about the dark, i would not be out there alone. poor Donny, i know how he felt. this is one chicken little that does not like dark. that scary balloon might have made me bark. LOL

Birdie said...

Awww! lol My cat is afraid of everything. Birds scare him.

Chatty Crone said...

Disco is the same way - if anything is out of place he doesn't like it at all and barks barks and barks!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How funny!!!! Well, maybe it was leaking a bit of air and blowing around. In the dark it would seem to be alive! I probably would have thought it was an animal of some sort.

Chatty Crone said...

Our dog does the same thing whenever he see something different at night! Drives him nuts.

Anne said...

Sounds or unexpected objects can make my heart beat faster. While housesitting I have company at night by one of the housecats. If there a sound (unfamiliar to me)and the cat doesn't even lift an ear - then I deemed it a natural sound at this place

Elephant's Child said...

Poor Donny. Glad he had you both as back up (protection).

WhiteStone said...

Poor Horse!
As for me? I have night lights in every room of the house. lol

sprinkles said...

I'm afraid of the dark so yes, everything does look scarier then!

Joanne said...

PHEW!!!! I was scared just reading your post! Thank God it was just a balloon! Your Dog is so cute!
Blessings, Joanne

nicole said...

Nice wake up call.
Thanks Nicole

Anonymous said...

So true Kim! In darkness everything looks scare until we are certain about.

Flying high in the sky.... said...

agree with you 100% .. i have experienced it!!

Eat To Live said...

Things are scary at night. I always close up my drapes so I can't see out. LOL, I am a sissy.

Glad to hear it was only a balloon.

Connie Arnold said...

I agree, things seem much scarier in the dark. Poor Donny!

BARBIE said...

Ha ha! Thanks for the laugh!

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

Poor guy. I've had a couple scares with balons myself. You wake up in the middle of the night and you're like what is that!! lol

Velvet Over Steel said...

Yes they sure do! When I first moved to my new place I thought I had a peeping tom. It turned out that the 'deer' like to look in my patio doors.. a LOT! :-) What a surprise and relief that was! lol

Very glad you dog (the size of a horse) is OK!

DUTA said...

You've managed to write in a few sentences ..a mystery story!
Yes, everything in the dark could frighten both humans and animals.

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