Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Thoughts

This flag was used at hubs fathers funeral when he passed away in 1974.  He had fought in the "Korean War".  This flag was honorably folded by the soldier's.

Originally Memorial Day was called "Decoration Day" beginning in 1868, click here for more history.

As a Mother of a Marine, I now have a new appreciation for Memorial Day.  Strange how I did not understand the significance  of this day as much when hubs had been in the Navy?

This post is just a reminder of the reason that we have celebrations on this day.....


Karen Mortensen said...

Beautiful thoughts. I am so grateful to these people.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

So many things to think about today. It can almost be overwhelming. Thanks for taking the time to thoughtfully remember those who have sacrificed. And thanks to your son for serving!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

what a beautiful memory of your father in law. I hope that memorial day never turns into just another long weekend. It's important that we don't lose the meaning of it. My son is in the Coast Guard. And, please thank your son (or daughter) for his service.

Karen said...

A day for appreciation indeed.

Muffie said...

Thank You, Kim, we need to be reminded.

Tracy said...

Kim, I think I too have a new appreciation of the day mostly because we are more aware of the ramifications on us as a country through media and the sacrifice of our men and women who fight for our freedom.
It's a blessed day indeed!
Have a lovely day!

Jenn said...

Nice post and an important reminder.

Patti Hanan said...

It is so important to remember and honor the sacrifices so many have made for this country. Thank you for honoring our men and women who serve our country in the military.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Lovely thoughts!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Gorgeous post. Thanks so much. We don't ever need to stop thanking those service men and women who did (and are doing) so much for OUR FREEDOM. God Bless them ALL.

Happy Memorial Day.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing with all of us :)

the wild magnolia said...

Thanks for the memories.

I am always thankful and in absolute awe of those who serve our country to protect, and those, who sacrificed their lives!

Thanks for the follow!

Ginny Hartzler said...

If nothing else, I hope this day makes others have a new appreciation of our vets and treat them better. I hope you are having a fun and restful weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have never had a son or husband in the service, not even my dad, but my brother turned 18 in 1968 and 6 weeks later was in the middle of Vietnam, and I learned then, what it means to have a loved one in the military. i can't imagine how it feels to have a son in the Marines.

Warren Baldwin said...

Thanks to your family for serving. Good post.

WhiteStone said...

Our family still called it Decoration Day in the 1950s.

Nicole said...

It just started to hit me when a friend went off to war.

sprinkles said...

I don't think I really "got" Memorial Day in the past. It was just another holiday off from work. But I totally get it now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, I think many things become more "real" to us as we grow older. Grateful to your family members who have given so much for our country. God bless.

Joanne said...

My Husband is a Vet and we know so many who have served. Memorial day always makes me a bit sad and very thankful and prayerful. God bless your Son and thank him for me. Blessings, Joanne

Mrs4444 said...

Please thank both your husband and your son for their service. :)

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