Monday, May 23, 2011

Living with Pain

I have been trying to understand this thing called PAIN!  How do I stay positive with a post about it?   It has affected my life lately though.

I have been taking "Neurontin" for relief of these leg spasms but I feel "drunk" so I cannot take it in the daytime?

I do not want to live my life with side-effects of these medicines but?   It is a balancing act again.

Exercising keeps the body in better shape to handle this (PT told me).  Really I do have to exercise as I get older or else :)

Life has many degrees of pain.   I would rather have this physical kind over other kinds of pain.   I believe that most people would agree.

ps.  I cannot complain after the tragedy in Missouri yesterday with tornadoes.....


Karen Mortensen said...

I agree. Physical pain is much easier that things that pain your heart.

Karen said...

Hi Kim,

I live with physical pain every day too. It drains me, but we have to push on, and live the best life we can. Yoga helps me cope with it.


sprinkles said...

I have a bad hip so I can empathize with you on the whole pain thing. Luckily, mine doesn't bother me every second of every day. Some days it bothers me a lot and the very next day it'll be fine. I've been accused of using my hip as an excuse to get out of doing things before but that's not the case at all!

Oh wow, I hadn't heard about the tornado in Missouri. So sad.

Jenn said...

Pain management is such a difficult balancing act. Good luck with finding the perfect balance for your life. I have only had to manage temporary pain after surgery... I can't imagine needing to find that balance long term.

Diane J Standiford said...

If I put the world's tragic events above my own small slips, I'd never be able to b**** about ANYTHING! I think I need to complain and so do we all, once in awhile. Great post. I found bananas really stopped my nightly leg cramps. Maybe just me. I eat them all day, bite here and there.

Dawning Inspiration said...

Praying for you to find pain relief!

Tracy said...

Pain management is difficult Kim...I have bad knees and a bad back and wake up everyday and can't move until I take at least 3-4 motrin. But if I don't, I can't make it until noon without even more pain meds to get me through until bedtime.
I also try to put it in perspective and realize it could be worse or even a tragic pain that I can't or don't even want to think about so I endure.
I can only imagine the pain you live with and I applaud you for having a positive outlook on most day at a time, you know?
take good care!

Anne said...

Sorry to hear about the medicine sideeffects - I have migraines from time to time and the size of that pill that offers some relief....jikes....but without it I would be a zoombie with pain

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

I feel for you, my husband has pain all the time too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my prayer for you right now is to have a day with no pain, or an hour or half day. you are so upbeat and seem to me to do a great job of dealing with you daily life. I am impressed by you

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ugh, I hate the side effects of pain killers and can't stand taking them. I can't imagine. I hope you find a pain management system that works for you.

Chatty Crone said...

I wish you and pray for you a day w/o pain or complete healing. It is so hard not to complain when we hurt - and it never goes away.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are in such pain and that the meds side effects are so terrible. Praying that you can have a better week.

Stephanie M. Page said...

Living with pain is not fun.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

pain is not good no matter what type of pain it is. I wish that no one ever had to go through it.

Becca's Dirt said...

We have a lot to be thankful for comparitively speaking. I understand about the pain. It is terrible to be in pain all the time. Prayers for you honey.

Debbie said...

I won't even try to compare notes because I can't imagine your pain with MS. I do know of pain from fibromyalgia, though, and I know what you mean about being in so much pain that it makes you not want to post.

I'm coming out of a major flair up (hopefully, anyway). I pray you have some relief from the leg spasms.

I can't imagine...

Joanne said...

You are so right, but how I wish your pain could be managed without side affects. Blessings, Joanne

DUTA said...

I think leg cramps could be managed by wrapping the leg with elastic band and closed with surgical tape; or wearing an elastic stocking.

Dawn said...

I so wish this wasn;t the case....and wish there was something I could do. My heart is with you....

Libby said...

kim, sorry for the're right (it could always be worse...)...physical pain is easier to deal with than emotional!

S. Etole said...

empathizing with you ...

Wanda said...

While seeing the tragedy does help us put things in perspective, it doesn't negate the pain we feel in our lives.

Mrs4444 said...

I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering, Kim. I can't imagine being constantly distracted by pain like that. I will say a prayer for you tonight...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Pain is nothing anyone ever wants, Kim. Until one has alot of pain--they don't realize how rough it is. I had alot of pain last May BEFORE my knee surgery... BUT--I'm fine now. Your pain doesn't just go away. Sorry about the side effects.

Do you drink alot of water? I've read that lots of water (6 glasses a day) helps leg cramps. Of course, your pain is probably much worse than just leg cramps.

My love and prayers are with you, Kim.

nicole said...

What do you find helps you cope?

Sueann said...

I too live with physical pain every day as well as migraines periodically. Sigh! But you are so right. I would rather have this kind of pain than despair!!! Or regrets!!! Or the like!!!!

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