Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Listen to Your Body!

My sisters and I carpooled to see Dad this weekend.   I used a walker and we all saved on our gasoline.

My dad said, "we are so used to seeing you in a chair.   It is a surprise to see you walk in the house".

It is nice to have 5 sisters fun, gabbing, laughing, advising, etc.  It can drive guys crazy!

When I got home, I continued to walk in the house even though I knew I was exhausted?

Then while I sat in my chair some,  suddenly I fell out of it onto the hard floor, kaboom!

It hurt, as hitting the floor would hurt!  I was the " I've fallen and I cannot get up, lady".  Now I can get up easier than before.

I thought, Ok that is a big sign to rest.  I do have to rest a lot.

Your body will get your attention even if you ignore it, such as when I hit the floor.  I am doing fine now.


Warren Baldwin said...

Did you fall b/c you were tired/weakened from the time walking and visiting with your sisters? I'm sorry to hear this! I hope you are ok. wb

A.Marie said...

I'm glad that you didn't injure yourself when you fell....or did you??

Yes, you do need to rest. It's amazing how our body will "get our attention" when we try to ignore it!!!

I am feeling fatigued today. I am going to stop ignoring that feeling and try to rest more!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so this means you walked to much, right? so sorry you fell, so happy you are not hurt. we do need to listen to our bodies. i have a bad back and a hip that hurts and when it starts sending little jolts, i know to stop and rest a while. thanks for sharing your day and I am happy you had a good time with al those sisters. i have no sistr and always wanted one.

Jenn said...

It is easy to push yourself too far... I hope you are feeling better today. Get some rest and listen to your body (even when you don't want to).

Elizabeth Grimes said...

Goodness, glad to hear it was nothing more serious! Five sisters?! What fun! There are 3 sisters in my family and yep, we drive people CRAZY! :)

Debbie said...

I'm so glad you weren't injured. And it does sound like a fun time with your family.

Karen said...

I overdo it all the time Kim, sometimes you just HAVE to, but then the body protests. I am glad you are rested up now.

Muffie said...

Yep, same here. I act like The Little Engine That Could [I think I can, I think I can...] then I pay dearly! Hope the fall didn't cause injury.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, gosh, I am so glad you are alright!!! Hard on the tailbone, at least!!! You can get up by yourself? I fell last year, and I can't get up. A bad knee and two torn rotator cuffs. Can't get on my knees or use my shoulders to pull up. We had a fit and almost called 911, what an embarrasment that would have been!!!

lynnmosher said...

Kim, I'm so sorry you suffer with MS. I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself when you fell. I understand somewhat that it's so necessary to listen to our bodies. With fibromyalgia, I must watch that I don't overdo. Saying a prayer for you. Blessings to you!

Kerri said...

I'm glad you're okay! Isnt' that crazy how we KNOW better, but sometimes we're just stubborn? Goodness.

laughwithusblog said...

I hear ya! Pregnant at almost 40 is sure different than it was 10 years ago. I've practically turned into a couch potato!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh sweetie, I hurt for you. You overdid the monkey didn't you?

Take care 'cause if ya don't listen to your gets your attention so ya have to! OUCH!

God bless ya and have a restful day sweetie!!!

Unknown said...

Woman! You need to take care of yourself!!! It is so wonderful having sisters though! You were probably having such a wonderful time you wren't paying the necessary attention to your body.

Glenda said...

Five sisters! That must be such fun! I'm glad you are OK from your fall. I agree that we need to listen to our bodies; I have trouble doing that, but the older I get, the easier it is.

Rachel said...

Kim, Thank you for posting a comment on my blog! I've always found comfort in prayer and crochet, for me they go hand in hand.

I hope you didn't hurt yourself when you feel. As you already know we need to listen to our bodies, although we sometimes turn our "listening" ears off!!

Sending prayers and good thoughts your way...

Webster said...

I'm glad that after a little rest you were able to get up by yourself. Then no one need ever know. Except that you wrote about it in your blog. LOL
Gotta respect that fatigue.

Mrs4444 said...

Whew! I'm so glad you weren't hurt (and that you had a nice day with your family. I'm sure it warmed your dad's heart to see you up and about that way.)

Anne said...

It can really be a hair thin line to judge wheather you still have strenght or your body is fatigued needing rest. I still struggles with it from time to time learning more and more everytime about the small signals my boody seems to be sending to my brain.
My question is: Will I ever learn?

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