Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Baclofen Pump Headache

net pic 2-11-12
This week has been tough....
I had a temporary baclofen pump trial so since it was in my spine for a few days....
I had a spinal headache for a week.

The medicine baclofen did take away all my leg spasms.
It is all technical and I am not sure how it works

I look forward to feeling better and back to life (blogging)

See yall when I can and please PRAY for me!


Jill said...

I'm so sorry. So unfair you get relief in your legs only to have to suffer from this. Sending prayers.

Nani said...

Spinal headaches are awful! You have prayers sent for you from me. Hope it resolves itself quickly.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That doesn't sound very pleasant. May relief come to you soon!

Sherri said...

so sorry you are feeling crummy! i hate those spinal headaches... kinda sucks that you get your legs to calm down only to be replaced with that head pounding...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had a spinal with my first child and the headache is part of that spinal. I pray now that your pain will ease, that your legs will continue to not have the spasms and that you are flooded with peace.

Gail said...

sending you healing prayer and thought
Love Gail

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ugh! When I had Pierce, I had two epidurals that didn't take, but yet I was lucky enough to get the spinal headache the next day. Awful (and one of the reasons I was determined to birth the twins drug free). I hope you get relief soon!

Eat To Live said...

Oh Kim I am so sorry. Headaches are the worst!!! Hope you feel better soon.

Muffie said...

So sorry, Kim. Did you try caffeine? That's supposed to eliminate spinal headaches. Take care.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

Ugh, sounds painful! I hope you're feeling better soon.

DUTA said...

Hope you feel better soon!

S. Etole said...

Hope you will soon be headache free. Rest well.

Elephant's Child said...

I take Baclofen in tablet form to reduce the spasms in my legs/arms/bladder. It is only sort of effective.
I am hoping so much that your spinal headache leaves you soon.

Wanda said...

Sending prayers your way and hope you feel better soon Kim.

Karen said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers Kim.

Webster said...

Sorry about your pain, Kim. Stay still, lay down, and know that This too Shall Pass. Yes, it will.

Sheila A. said...

I will continue to pray for you.

sprinkles said...

How awful that your leg spasms are relived but now you have a headache as a result of it. Hope you feel better soon.

Anne said...

Uff that description just took me back 10 years to an awful spinal headache.... hoping and praying that you will feel better soon.

Sueann said...

I am praying for you right now!!
And gently hugging you
Feel better soon

TexWisGirl said...

terribly sorry! i cannot imagine...

Leovi said...

The headache is very annoying, I hope you feel better.

Connie Arnold said...

It's sad that so often treatment that helps one problem causes another. So sorry about your headache. Praying for you!

Achelois said...

I am so sorry about the spinal headache. It sounds distressing. I really hope you feel better soon. Take care.

Sextant said...

That sounds horrific. I had a spinal tap when I was diagnosed 27 years ago, and hope to never experience anything like that again. My heart and prayers go out to you.

Sextant said...

Oh, I forgot, I sent you an email on your gmail account listed in your profile, not sure you got it, or just under the weather.

A friend with MS sent me this video, I thought you might find it interesting.

I wrote a post about it in my blog:

I hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

You poor thing! So sorry to hear about this side effect. Hope you are on the way to better days! All the best...hugs!

Alida Sharp said...

So sorry to hear about the spinal headache...I had those after each of my children were born. I truly feel for you going through that pain.

Praying that you get relief.

Chatty Crone said...

I will pray. I had a spinal headache years ago after I had my son C section - it was the worst headache I ever had. I raised my head too early - maybe that has something to do with yours. Drink lots of water to refill the spinal column. sandie

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I hate headaches! I hope you feel better soon!

Joanne said...

I am sorry to hear about your migraine. They can be brutal! Prayers on their way!
Blessings, Joanne

diane b said...

It is often the way. The treatment is as bad as the ailment. Hopefully the headache will ease but the legs will stay good. Wishing you all the best with this challenge.

Ramakrishnan said...

Our prayers are with with you. I am sure you will get over this painful experience soon and get back to active blogging.
Best Wishes Ram

Glenda said...

Oh, Kim, I pray that your headache is soon gone. May God hold you close on this Valentine's Day.

Sheila A. said...

Happy anniversary to you both! So glad you felt well enough to go out. Sorry about that bad headache! I will continue to pray for you.

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