Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thanks to Family Caregivers

I have needed short-term care for the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in the past.  Thanks to Hubs, family and friends I was in this 80% shortly:

I pass on the info from the NMSS...

Up to one quarter of individuals living with MS require long-term care services at some point during the course of the disease. Often, a family member steps into the role of primary caregiver, becoming some of our nation's 65 million caregivers who provide 80% of long-term care. Family caregivers are vital because they allow people living with MS to remain in the home, avoiding premature and costlier admission to nursing home facilities, but it can be a stressful job.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am so happy for you your family can help care for you and I am sending them big Kudo's for doing it.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sounds like you have lots of good support :-)

Muffie said...

So coincidental that you posted this...I just wrote about my worries concerning this.

Dawning Inspiration said...

You are very blessed to have caregivers in your family - there for you... so happy for you!

Paula said...

It's wonderful when you can count on family, and wonderful that your family supports you. Makes having MS so much easier :)

Shanda said...

I happened up the name of your blog and thought, "This has to be someone I would like!". AFter reading your stories, I am so touched and blessed by title of your blog and your attitudes. May God bless you, and your caregivers. I will continue following your story.

Glenda said...

You are blessed to have a loving, supportive family; but you know that already!! Hope you have a good week!

I'm playing catch-up after being away from my computer for a while.

Deborah said...

Hi again, it may be stressful but totally worth it taking care of family!!

Karen said...

You are blessed to be so loved and cared for.

Unknown said...

I'm so glad that you have a loving family and a good support system. I'm also glad that your need for full-time support has been brief!

laughwithusblog said...

I wish more families would take care of their own. Unfortunately we live in a very "me" centered society where so many people don't even consider it.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you have a family who can help and support you. My friend who has MS has just moved into an assisted living condo. She doesn't have family other than a sister who lived in Mass. She does okay--but realizes that she will need much more care was she gets older. She is almost 69.


Joanne said...

Caregivers need support yes they do!Great post. Blessings, Joanne

Clare said...

My husband gave up work to become my carer.
Its been a blessing.
Its been a benfit to us both as he can now preach more often in our church 4 out of 5 sundays.
I am so thankful to God that my husband can care for me and not a stranger. :)

Unknown said...

Nursing is one of those fields I encourage my daughters to consider and now I have another good reason to add to my arsenal. Thanks!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I'm so happy you have a great support system there.

God bless ya and have yourself a beautiful day sweetie.

Hugs and prayers sent your way! :o)

Clare said...

This a topic so close to my heart. My husband 6 years ago gave up work to care for me.
Now He has been called to a Pastorate and the people there understand fully about my condition and he can work around my off days. xx
Carers are the unsung heroes in many countries xx

nicole said...

The need for long term care simply scares me.

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