Monday, February 27, 2012

I am Thankful for My Left Hand

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I used to do everything right handed until...
the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) damaged
 my right hand and my right leg.
~MS Relapses cause numbness etc~

Since that happened years ago...
I am thankful that 
my Left Hand and my Left Leg became 
the dominate side of my body.

I automatically do everything left handed now...
except I can still 
Write Right handed!

The body is remarkable...
when one part of the body stops working well
then other senses can take over!


Jill said...

The body really is remarkable. I am glad for you!

Gail said...

Hi - wow, remarkable indeed. Your words inspire me, thanks.
Love Gail

Karen said...

Yep, sometimes the body cooperates!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Way to go, Lefty!

Muffie said...

I'm in the same boat, Kim -- right handed by nature, left by MS! The writing with the right is becoming nearly impossible, and I can barely sign my name. I do find it awkward having to always use the left, and I think the weakness is spreading 'across the border,' but I'll hang in there. Thankful? ummmm, not so much!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Amazing how other parts can take over for ones damaged. But I don't think I would ever be able to write left handed, I am glad you are able to still use your dominant hand for that!

Glenda said...

Your gratitude is inspiring. I often take for granted the "ordinary" things. I don't want to do that.

Hope you have a great week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is truly remarkable, now you are abidextrous and i know that is not spelled correctly. i was about to say you have beautiful hands when I saw the source.

Sonya @ Under the Desert Sky said...

The body IS amazing. I'm glad your left side was able to compensate. I find it interesting and cool that you can still write with your right hand. Have you been able to get the hang of writing with your left hand, as well?

Anne said...

Back when I was diagnosed with MS I was temporarily disabled in right arm and leg, so was forced to learn how to write with the left hand. I just tried to do it again.......let me put it this way: if I can't even read my own handwriting......... ;o)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Yes, the brain can restructure as needed. Wonderful!

Debbie said...

You are so right about the body being remarkable! Of course, it is... it was designed by a remarkable Designer.

I wasn't allowed to write with my left hand in first grade so I learned to write with my right. I do everything left handed except write.

Judy said...

"when one part of the body stops working well then other senses can take over!"

I'm counting on that.


Unknown said...

That is truly remarkable and testimony that God always meets our needs even in the midst of great trial!

sprinkles said...

It's amazing how one side of our body can take over for the other. I can't even imagine trying to do anything left handed.

Eat To Live said...

I am happy for you that your left side took over when your right side was damaged. I have often wondered how I would cope if something like that happened. I am so bad at everything with my left side.

Karen Mortensen said...

Awesome. The body is truly amazing.

Elephant's Child said...

I really, really hope you are right. My right hand/side is becoming increasingly recalcitrant. I started off in life as a left handed person. Since a well meaning teacher tied my left hand behind my back to prevent me using it I find it almost impossible to do things with my weaker hand. Which may have to change. Soon. Sigh.

Webster said...

I hope that doesn't happen to me, as I am very right sided. But the fact that you can still write right handed is Fantastic!

Nani said...

I automatically grab things with the left hand now, especially cup of liquid! I also realized that if there is enough of a shake in my right hand that I have to click a few times to get the mouse to hit a radio button, that may be why I can't use a smart phone! I'm going to consider occupational therapy for a few things. :)

Thanks for being an inspiration!

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

That ,eans your using both sides of your brain now :-D

Joanne said...

Yes, Thank God is right! The body is truly amazing.
Blessings, Joanne

DUTA said...

Well, our body works in pairs: 2 eyes,two ears, two legs, two arms etc.. When one of the pair gets hurt or damaged, the other one comes to its help nd that's wonderful.

Small Kucing said...

body will keep learning each time. Glad you still have your left side

Elizabeth Grimes said...

That is amazing how the body adapts.

Chatty Crone said...

I'm glad for you too. sandie

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