Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Washed my Mouth out with Soap!

Yes I did....After my horse dog, Donny and I collided in the mouth......

This is how the story began:

I really was LOL (laughing out loud) as I watched a comedy on TV and was not looking at Donny.

I was getting up off the couch when Donny thought

"Oh, I will kiss Mom"  

 Our mouths collided since Donny is tall.

I drove quickly to the sink (did not walk) to rinse my mouth out with water....that was not enough so I washed my own mouth out with soap!

I know others may not think this was necessary....but I am a  germaphobic!


Elizabeth Grimes said...

Lol. I don't let my dog kiss me on the mouth either.

Flying high in the sky.... said...

how sweet!! i could imagine the collision and you running to the sink!!!! you made me smile.. thank you .. take care. .

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL! I am not big on dog kisses, but it wouldn't drive me to wash my mouth out with soap.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

As for me, I would have done the same thing. I know where they lick. When we had cats my hubby would let them lick his face then I would ask him to go wash.

Hope your day is good, a cool front is comin' so button up. Fall is here.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Just a little too much dog in your mouth, huh????? How funny... You can't be too careful especially since you have MS....

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a weird accident, I hope neither one of you get hurt! Yes, I have a fit over germs and carry wipes in my purse and the glove compartment at all times. Well, also, Ella has Cystic Fibrosis so we need to be careful. So funny you washed your own mouth out with soap. Next time, try some Listerine, that might kill more germs and be more mouth friendly. come to think of it, there will probably never be a next time for such a weird accident!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

when that happens to me, and it doe, i just spit a lot. must be ok, since i have been colliding with dog kisses for my whole life.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say Thanks for the Chuckle

Joanne said...

Im sorry this was too funny! I would have done the same thing!!!!
Blessings, Joanne

Kerri said...

I had to come over and comment on this one! I SO would have done the same thing. YUCK! My dogs always give "kisses" to my son, and I'm like DON'T let it lick you on the mouth! They lick their own butts for crying out loud. YUCK!!

Ed Pilolla said...

hahah! i would have laughed, but i'm not a germaphob:) i eat food off the ground (sometimes) just to prove the world is overwhelmingly more friendly than hostile. however, i worked at a dog pound and went to move a dog that had crapped in his cage and stomped in it all night. when i opened the cage door i leaned over and said something like 'what a mess' and the dog lifted his paw and placed it squarely in my open mouth. i sprinted to the bathroom and sanitized my mouth:)

Karen said...

Icky...my dog has a habit of "kissing" me right up inside my nostril! It's musch easier to wash out your mouth than nostril! Next time though Kim, maybe Listerine would be more palatable!

julie moore said...

My husband allowed our baby I mean bulldog to drink out of a cup last night. She slurped most if it down but left a little in the bottom. While watching TV he absentmindedly reached over and grabbed the cup and finished the drink in the cup. I've never seen him move so fast to the sink to wash out his mouth! hee hee. Loved your post

Mary Mennenga said...

Too funny thank's

DUTA said...

One should be very careful with pets when it comes to Hygiene. They push their mouths into all kinds of stuff and this might prove to be very unhealthy to people and kids with whom they come in contact.
Your reaction to the dog's "kiss' was a logical one.

Wanda said...

Oh my Kim, too funny :)

Eat To Live said...

LOL... I did that to my Grandkids years ago, but not for the same reason.

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

That's sweet - he loves his mommy!! LOL

Webster said...

I 'get' the yuck factor. I have a dog that loves to kiss, kiss all the time - on the face. I have finally (almost) broken him of that habit, thank goodness. You really had me LOL when you washed your own mouth out WITH SOAP. Too funny.

Debbie said...

HaHa! I would have made the same old beeline to do the same old thing. True, it doesn't bother a lot of folks, but I'm in your corner.

Small Kucing said...

oh no...a wet kiss :P

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Ya'll swapped spit with a dog??? Ewwwwww!!! Yep, that sure call for the soap treatment. Heeehehehe!

Have a blessed day sweetie!!! :o)

Becky Jane said...

Yuck! I think using soap was a good idea!

nicole said...

Yeah, I think it would definitely get me to cleaning too!

laughwithusblog said...

lol Ewww!

Alene said...

Love it! I'm still laughing.

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