Friday, September 30, 2011

Speeding with My Smart car

Smart car with hubs truck hidden!
We met another Smart car owner at McDonald' was fun for us to compare Smart cars.

I told him about the day before when we had drove it so well on the interstate, I said......

"My daughter was driving 80 mph and passed semi-trucks"

He said with a smile, "I am a police officer" (in ordinary clothes).... then I smiled and said......

"Oh, I meant that she was driving 55 mph, it just seemed like it was 80 since we were traveling along so good!"

He replied, "it is fine with me....I know the car will do 100 mph!"

All this happened this past weekend when my Daughter had driven me to the mountains to see Dad and my sisters.

It was my first long distance trip in my Smart Car.

I had worried myself almost sick about the car carrying a wheelchair.

The lesson here is a lot of our worries is needless....
and you never know who you are talking to!
Post Date: 9/30/11


Debbie said...

You just made me spit my water.

Seriously... that was funny.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YIKES this is something that would happen to me, my mouth runs non stop to strangers and i say whatever comes to mind. to funny, still laughing. good to know you can travel in it too. it is really CUTE

Small Kucing said...

LOL...thats funny. Too bad cant afford the Smart Car over here. Price for Smart Car in my country is waaaay too high.

Karen said...

Too funny Kim!!!

sprinkles said...

Your follow up comment to the cop was hilarious and exactly like something I would've said.

Joanne said...

LOL! I could almost see your face as he told you he was a police officer! I think I would have gulped loudly and turned all shades of red! This was too funny!
Blessings, Joanne

Eat To Live said...

Oh Kim!! You are a card!

How much fun you will be having now that you have a Smart Car. Happy Trails To You!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

LOL!!! that is so funny :-) I'm glad the car is handling so well!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a cool story, it really gave me a laugh! What a nice cop you met! I read somewhere that most of the fears we worry about never happen; then what a waste of brain energy! God tell us not to borrow troubles from the future, but don't you find that the hardest thing to do? I do. Some think that then we have no faith, but I think we are just cautious, God did give us our brains to use for problems!

DUTA said...

Such a cute little car!

"You never know who you are talking to" - very true indeed.

Chatty Crone said...

I like the way you recovered so quickly - good answer. sandie

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Whoa baby, that little sucker will do 100? I bet ya just wanted to melt into the pavement when ya found out that the fella was an officer of the law. He probably was havin' some fun with ya there! Heeehehehe!

Great I must clean my screen!

God bless and have a fantastic weekend sweeite!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

ditto, you never know but cute story. Glad the car did so well on the trip up there. Were the leaves turning yet?

Hope you have super fun in your smart car.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So your car is Smart, Cute and Zippy too!

Glenda said...

Love this story! "...a lot of our worries is needles..." Wish I could remember that!!

Have a good weekend!

Elephant's Child said...

Such a cute little car. Is it possible that the gentleman in plain clothes was having a small joke with you, and is in fact a plumber, dentist, whatever? I ask because this is the kind of joke my youngest brother delights in.

Rachel said...

I couldn't help but laugh...It just goes to show, we don't always know who we might be speaking with...
Should we call you Speed Racer now?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I do not think he was joking since he was an older man with his wife. When I looked guilty his wife said, Oh he does not care if you speed.

Travelogue for the Universe said...

Great story! Nice to hear a more reasonable alternative to the big van. Have a great day! mary

Ed Pilolla said...

very funny! yes, the joke's on us at that point. i know that feeling well:) you handled it better than i ever would have.

Flying high in the sky.... said...

what a beautiful and funny post!! you made me laugh!!!!!! thank you!!! very nice...very very nice :)

Webster said...

You were okay in any case - he can't ticket you for two reasons: he didn't witness the speeding, and you weren't driving. LOL I wouldn't tell your daughter that the car will go 100 mph, though! Oh, how much clearance is there when you open the trunk? It looks pretty close.

And I hate to admit it, but I am very jealous.
Very. Jealous.

Sueann said...

I am so glad it can keep up with the freeway traffic!! That is super!
And it can carry the cool is that!!
Woot!!! Woot!!

Dawn said...

Bahahahaha! I can't quit laughing...too funny:)
You made my busy Saturday:D

Anne said...

LOL!! I was walking by a smart car earlier today, which made me wonder, how your life is with your smart car, and now I know :o)

Kim, I am in the midst of creating this year's X-mas cards, and one to send one your way - but I need your address to be able so send it. Could you email me your address (you'll find it on my blog)

Just Be Real said...

Kim you made me smile and chuckle Blessings.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Glad you are enjoying your cute little Smart Car... We have some in our area --and we see them often. I think of you when I see one.

Anne - Mommy Has to Work said...

Ha!! That's funny!

Tipper said...

I'm so glad it all worked out-and was a good trip : )

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