Monday, September 5, 2011

Bored on Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!  It can be fun, relaxing or just Boring!  

I am blessed to have many great memories of fun Labor Days with family and friends....but....this year I complain!

However, I am Thankful for all the luxuries that I have when I am bored.  

I have running water, electricity, roof over my head and hubs has a job!

I was a Busy working person wishing for a chance to be bored......Now that I got what I wished for....I ask, what do you do when you are bored?


Debbie said...

Sadly, I eat when I'm bored. If I have the self control not to eat out of pure boredom, I'm still thinking, "Hmmm... what would be good to eat?"

Then, I look around the house and wonder how anyone with a to do list as long as mine could possibly be bored.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what i am doing right now. i either read blogs, comment on blogs, create blogs, edit photos for blogs or READ which is my most favorite thing to do. hope something wonderful happens for you today.

Joanne said...

With two kids I am never bored but when I have some time I try to craft or read...or nap...something that I haven't done in forever!
Blessings, Joanne

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

When I'm bored I'll either cook, exercise, read a book, or of course surf the net. Happy Labor Day - hope you find something fun to occupy your mind!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

I'm bored today too! I have the day off but my hubby is working all day long! I'll be practicing the piano and doing house work....not very exciting. I'll probably watch a good movie later. :) That's always fun.

Karen said...

It's hard to enjoy Labour Day when it's just like any other. All my days are now "days off". I'd like a few days on!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

No way this ole retiree can ever get bored... Life is just too full of things to do. My list is never finished!!!!! Love it that way!

Have a great Labor Day.

Have Myelin? said...

I no longer get bored - when I feel antsy (is that a "bored" type feeling?) I go outside with the daschie and read for a bit.

I do miss working, it made me feel like a productive member of society.

Like Karen said, I'd like a few days on!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

How can you be bored with the internet? The world is at your fingertips!

Birdie said...

I remember Labour day when I was a kid and there was always a HUGE picnic put on by the employer. Everyone in the family was invited and everything was free. Always lots of prizes for the kids.
Now for Labour day I get a call from my employer that even though I am not working today I still need to put in the hours some other time during the week so he does not have to pay me overtime.

Wanda said...

I'm having a nice quiet Labor Day (although my sister says it sounds boring).

Mary Mennenga said...

As for being bored as a kid if I was "bored" I had to dust so needless to say I don't get bored because I can always dust.LOL

About a Mom said...

No family events planned for me today. I could easily be bored but I am determined to get a lot of things crossed off my to do list today. I am stopping by from VB and hope you will come over to About A Mom and say hi!

sprinkles said...

These days, there's always an overabundance to work on if I get bored. lol

Just Be Real said...

I have too many things that I do when I get bored. Unfortunately not all good for me. Blessings to you Kim.

laughwithusblog said...

lol Too funny. If you were in my house I would put you to work! :)

My Mad World said...

When I'm bored I get online, crochet and unfortunately eat! lol

Hope you found something to bust up the boredom.

Great list of things to be thankful for though!!

Glenda said...

Our kids think my husband and I do live a boring life . . . but not in our eyes! We may not get up and go to a job, but the days fill up quickly! Like Sandra, I like to blog, read, write in my spare time. . . but those things aren't boring.

Our day today, Labor Day, was spent going to the funeral of a dear friend whose life was cut short by cancer. So, I'm thankful for the gift of life - however slow or busy it may seem.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

too funny Kim....I've been fighting a cold so being bored on labour day was just perfect

Eat To Live said...

Hi Kim,
We didn't do much either for Labor Day.
I caught up on some blogs, did some sewing etc.
I make aprons and give them away on my blog once a month or more to people who are faithful commenters.

Becky Jane said...

You post mad me laugh...we usually get what we ask for don't we? I like to watch a good movie when I'm bored or play board games!
Our Labor Day was not boring this year. Our 3 teens had us up at 5am to go shopping for food. They wanted to fix a big breakfast and a fancy at 5am is fun! I did take a nap later on in the day though!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh, I so wish I knew my friend! These days I don't have time to be bored. But I'm glad to know that it might eventually happen :) Hope you had a great Labor Day despite being bored!

tipper said...

Sometimes-I wish I had time to be bored : ) But when I do feel bored or restless-I read!

Anonymous said...

I will beat it by listening music and just simple thing about anything.

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