I had my baclofen pump, as seen in net image above, replaced this week. The battery expires every seven years. It helps my leg spasms tremendously so I needed it done..
This surgery was more simple than the original one since there was no need to replace the tubing that connects to my spine. My neurosurgeon did a 2 inch incision to replace the pump only....
Please say a prayer for my continued healing from an incision .....here’s to another seven years with an updated pump!
Praying you heal quickly and completely.
Praying this one lasts at least as long and works even better!
I have prayed for total healing from this! Hopefully the new one will work better than ever!
Prayers - glad it was easier - and maybe it will last longer!
Oh....I am so sorry to hear about this but glad that you got that surgery out of the way and hope you heal fast and without issues.
Praying for quick healing for you and that the pump will work great, like the one it replaces.
wow, this is really interesting, I don't remember reading about this in the past. so glad it helps and that they last that long. prayers said for healing and for the pump to keep you spasm free and healthy for 7 more years
I'm sure the new pump will do its job in the best way possible.
Wishing you a swift and smooth healing!
Happy to hear you are doing well with the pump. Will be interested to hear further updates on what you think of it. My doc has mentioned it to me before, but I was too chicken. Best!
Hey Kim...stopping in to check on you. Hoping all is going fine.
Thanks for checking on m. I am recovering well. A little stronger each day!
Prayers for quick healing and that the pump will work well for you.
Praying for quick healing!
How long have you had your pump? I got my first one in 2006 and should be ready to change out my pump sometime (again) in 2020. I had it replaced already in 2013. It is such a life-saver! I cannot even imagine going back to life before it. I was on the highest dose of oral Baclofen even 4 hours. If I didn't wake myself up around 3am, I wouldn't be able to move in the morning due to the extreme spasticity I had. Mine has been set at 425.5mcg for several years now and that seems to do the trick for daily living. If I walk a lot, then I get worsening of it, but I try to limit my standing and walking to a minimum as the spasticity is worst in my hips.
BTW, I just found your blog by following an email from Healthline MS. I look forward to hearing more about your journey! I've had MS for 26 years.
I wish you quick healing and more continued help from the pump. My hubby has had to have his ICD replaced twice for new batteries every seven years.
Hi, Kim. I've been traveling for a few weeks and am just now catching up on blogs. I do hope the incision is healing well. It's amazing the treatments that are possible these days, isn't it I'm so glad this pump is helping you.
Hi Kim
How are you? How did the operation went? Hope you are recovering well.
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