Thursday, February 16, 2017

Happy 32nd Anniversary to Us

Hubs and I were so young in 1985!  We couldn't have imagined how fast 32 years would go by!

We went through all the normal marriage stuff but with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) added to the mix??......we had rough spots but the good times equaled it all out.

Christmas 2016

Here is my favorite line from a letter Hubs wrote me this anniversary.

"I consider now to be the best time in all of our 32 years together".   I agree with him!

I love aging together as our older bones creak and crack on the way to those "golden years"??


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy 32nd, we just had our 32nd a week ago on the 8th.

Karen said...

Oh, a very happy anniversary to the Standards! May you both "creak and crack" together for many more years to come!

Connie Arnold said...

Happy anniversary, Kim! The years and life's challenges strengthen your love and make your marriage stronger. God bless you!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Two wonderful pictures, and you look the same now as you did then! Happy anniversary!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Happy Anniversary. May you have many more years together.

DUTA said...

You're a beautiful, solid couple! And your married life will get better and better on the way to those golden years when you'll need each other even more.
Happy Anniversary! May you celebrate many, many anniversaries of your wedding Day!

Gail said...

Happy anniversary <3 great picture - and wonderful sentiments expressed. Love to you both and many more years of happy :-)

Love Gail

Karen Mortensen said...


sprinkles said...

Happy Anniversary! Congratulations for making it 32 years when many couples don't even make it past the first one anymore.

My Odd Sock said...

Happy anniversary! And wise words from hubs!
Here's to many more!

Small Kucing said...

Happy Anniversary , KIm. :)

It is always nice to see people wedded for so long :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ahhh---congrats on 32 years of marriage. AND---even though most of us go through all kinds of hardships in life, true love lasts forever and gets better and better with each passing year.


diane b said...

Happy anniversary. You have a romantic husband. You both look great.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I so agree with you about aging together, Kim. My hubby and I married in 1987. We were 42 and 44 years old. First (and only) marriage for both of us. God's best is definitely worth the wait. We'll celebrate 30 years together this year. It just gets better and better, doesn't it? I love the line you shared from your husband's anniversary letter. Happy belated anniversary from a couple that's ahead of you in age but behind you in years of marriage.

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