Monday, August 29, 2016

My Farmers Market Day

Isnt this an unusually bright yellow for a yellow watermelon?  it was delicious!

I parboiled and froze some already shelled field peas!

I guess my sister who is a real farmer can say that I am a Farmers Market farmer now!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did not know there is a yellow watermelon. it looks really odd. woo hoo on the peas, I love them

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Not sure I've ever seen or even heard of a yellow watermelon... Amazing! Does it taste like the red ones? I do like yellow tomatoes since they are not as 'acidy' as the red ones... Maybe the yellow watermelons are more 'mellow' in flavor...??????

Hope you have an awesome week. I published a blog post today.


Karen said...

I think I have to pass on the yellow watermelon, but just let me know when you decide to cook those field peas and I will be right over!

Farmer Kim has a nice ring to it....

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Google said the yellow watermelons are sweeter than the red wonder my family likes them!

Elephant's Child said...

I have never seen or heard of a yellow watermelon. It looks like sliced sunshine in that picture.
Fresh peas? Bliss.

Gail said...

wow- bright yellow watermelon!! looks so delicious. mmmmmmmmm
Love Gail

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of yellow watermelon! How does it taste different?

Haddock said...

Oh yes, I had seen these yellow watermelons before..... and that too at a farmers market !

diane b said...

I have never seen a yellow water melon.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have tried to grow that type of watermelon before but not had any luck.

Summer said...

The colour really looks vibrant and nice ♥

Small Kucing said...

Yellow watermelon. Should be very juicy and sweet. My son loves watermelon.

June said...

I would LOVE to try a yellow watermelon! I want to thank you Kim for your sweet comment on my blog post!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Never had or seen a yellow watermelon. Looks great!!! Glad you enjoyed.

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