Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I am a wild bird rescuer

Above is the third wild bird I have rescued this summer from the clutches of death (my sweet dogs). 

The birds get trapped on our screened in deck even though there are many openings.  

After the dogs killed a bird.....I discovered I can just grab the worn down bird with my good hand....

and then drive my power chair with my other hand to the door to set them free!

I share this heroic story because I would have never thought in a million years I would be a wild bird rescuer!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Good job I don't think I could pick up a living bird but I might

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is so nice of you.... I always say "Save the BIRDS" when we can..... Poor little birdies.... We got a BAT in our house one time. He flew in when I had the slilding glass door opened to come inside myself... I didn't think we'd ever get that thing out of our house... I wanted to leave and just let him live there.... ha ha


Connie Arnold said...

Good for you! Seems like they would be harder than that to catch. Glad you could help them!

Elephant's Child said...

Yay you.
I have rescued a bird or two in my time as well. And a mouse. And the ungrateful so and so bit me.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Awesome! But I am sure your dog does NOT like this.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Way to go.I'm sure the birds are thankful for your kindness.

DUTA said...

You've sure done the right and noble thing. Sad, if a bird gets killed by the dogs. Perhaps there's a way to prevent the bird from getting trapped.

My Odd Sock said...

Your good deed for the day!
I can only imagine the story the bird told the others back at the nest!

sprinkles said...

That's very kind of you to help save the wild birds. I'd like to think I'd do the same if ever in that situation.

Karen said...

Ah, just one of the many hats you wear...has your grandson seen his heroic grandma do this yet? I imagine he would be thrilled!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Way to go! Yes write your life stories down in a blog so they will be there for your grandchildren to read:):)

diane b said...

Well done wild bird rescuer. I don't think I could do that. We sometimes have birds fly into the windows and knock themselves silly but I just watch and wait for them stagger about until they come to their senses and fly off.

Small Kucing said...

we dont get many birds here but there was once a bird hit our window. I thought it was dead. Too far away up the roof to reach it. ut luckily after a time, it woke up and flew off

Sushmita said...

And you have made me proud my strong buddy !!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Thanks for saving 3 birds. Although they can't talk, they must be thanking you all the time.

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