Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow for Us...

We were zooming along....since the roads were clear.....heading to church Sunday when I was surprised to see this little bit of snow on the ground...I snapped a pic of it since we rarely see snow.

I complain about the biter cold when I should could have been worse....I do feel for others that are dealing with bunches of snow.

I hope....Spring will be here soon!


Ms. CrankyPants said...

It's snowing here like crazy! Looking forward to spring; we already have lots of bulbs peeking out. Hope the snow doesn't kill them!

Eat To Live said...

We were suppose to get a lot of snow last night, but it seems to have missed us.

Very sunny out today... looks like spring.

Muffie said...

That promise of spring often keeps me going when harsh winter climes overtake us!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

speeding along in snow? scary... glad you are not buried and so sorry for all that are suffering from it

Wanda said...

We haven't seen any of the white stuff since Christmas around these parts.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is so neat that you got some snow in your area. I know that you don't ever get much. We've had snow up here all weekend --and then again today. I've had enough of it --and am ready for Spring and Sunshine... ha ha

Stay warm today.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Glad you are alright...we are dealing with a blizzard now ourselves, we are in the bullseye!

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

My children would love to see snow, maybe they will one year if we take a winter road trip. Heading into autumn here after an exceptionally wet few weeks.

Flying high in the sky.... said...

:) thinking of others even when you were comfy and cosy :) isn't that a sign of a beautiful soul....loved your post ...and i smiled :)

stay blessed and cosy always...

Elephant's Child said...

Ooooh snow. Pretty. And you had more than we get most years. We had a few cool days (bliss) and now the temperature is climbing again. Autumn has to come soon. Please.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hi Kim....only a few more weeks to go until Spring. I can't wait. It's been way too cold but not complaining either. Have a great thursday out there.

My Odd Sock said...

That's not enough snow to slip & fall down in.

Oh, I'd probably find a way!

diane b said...

Snow is funny like that when you want it it doesn't fall much but when you don't want any more it buckets down. We don't have the problem because we never get snow up here in the subtropics but we have the same problem with rain, either too much or not enough.

Small Kucing said...

weather have kinda been unpredictable over here lately

Anonymous said...

Have to smile as I look out the window and watch the snow fall...already have about 8 inches. Spring is coming, but there is beauty in winter. Thanks Kim.

Birdie said...

No more snow! I need Spring and a nice warm one at that.

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