Monday, March 11, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week

This is MS Awareness week

NMSS photo

The NMSS has many events....but I particularly have fond memories of driving my scooter the entire 3 mile walk route....with a bunch of my family and friends walking beside me....during the MS Walks for many years.

We started going to the MS Walks  when my kids needed to take turns riding in my lap on my scooter...really young kids....20 years ago.  We really had Fun!

The National MS Society has been good to I give a holler shout out about MS Awareness week.


Eat To Live said...

I bet the kids miss riding in your lap during the MS Walks. Now they have to walk it..

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Absolutely, Kim... Great organization... Have you ever blogged about your entire story--when you found out you had MS, your symptoms then, etc.???? I'd love to read it.

My friend, Reida, who has MS had a rough time getting diagnosed.. They were telling her that there was nothing wrong with her and that she was making all of her symptoms up... Gads!


Ginny Hartzler said...

You ARE making awareness, I had no idea there was a week for it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i bet the kids liked riding with you. what a great memory. and here you are 20 years later, which is the blessing of it all.

Aodhnait said...

Your blog is making me aware of MS

Glenda said...

Thanks for making us aware of a cause dear to you and so many others. Have a great week!

The Unknowngnome said...

We hear ya' hollerin! :)

Elephant's Child said...

I was diagnosed during our MS Awareness Week many years ago. And yes, the MS Society does a fine job here as well. I now provide peer support to other people with the dread disease, an initiative which I wish had existed with my diagnosis.

Sueann said...

I had no idea that they had a week set aside for MS! Wow! That is great

Ramakrishnan said...

Sounds like a good fun week !

Ms. CrankyPants said...

I need to bust out my orange tee shirt! Those MS walks are incredible. I have done the 50K walk three times. Hard, but so worth it.

Small Kucing said...

its good that you blog about it. My country, not many knew this

Pamela said...

It's so good for us to have a week to learn more about this disease. I had a dear friend who had it and I so admired her determination to live life to the fullest. I hope this week is a blessing to you as well.

Dawn said...

I just signed up for the MS bike ride again this year. I'd like to do the walk with you if I was closer:D

Anonymous said...

May this be a great success!

diane b said...

I hope you can still join in the walks for MS. Take care keep smiling.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

A great thing to do. MS is a terrible disease.. Blessings sent to you with a hug, keep seeing all the positive and your heart will feel lighter. xx

Tracy A.K.A Chiroii (shy-roy) said...

I'm holding a seminar on MS in los angeles April 14th on alternative natural treatments to cure MS . I was diagnosed years ago and have never had another symptom or relapse. my name is tracy and i can be reached at or 310-461-5084.
God Bless you


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