Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Our Baby Shower Weekend

My niece, Ashley is having a baby in a few weeks so we thought it was about time for her to have a baby shower!
starting to get a banner put up

Uncle Glen has almost got it

 now Luke has his name in lights before he even gets here!

I was taking a few snapshots while I was sitting around...
that was when I noticed how hard they were working to get a banner up.

It makes me smile to think about all the anticipation for new babies that has gone on in the past.

just nowadays we can record some of it easily with pictures!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

all of our techy stuff just blows my mind. yesterday the cardinals were calling each other and i held my camera out the door and recorded the sound in the dark... i wish i had a camera back when my kids were small. and pics of all the showers and other things that went on

Karen said...

Oh I love baby showers!

Muffie said...

I, too, love baby showers. My father had a superstition about them, and he never allowed any for my mother. Then he convinced my husband to do the same for ME. Fortunately, my friends found ways around it.

Are We There Yet! said...

Lucky Uncle Glen was there to help with the banner. Baby showers are GREAT fun!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is neat, Kim... Things have really improved technologically for sure!!!!! Looks like a great baby shower. Bet those parents are EXCITED....


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great idea to show pictures of the preparations, and not just the party!!!

Leovi said...

Definitely going to be a good reception to the baby.

Eat To Live said...

Everything is so much easier today. We can even make those banners on the computer if we want!!

Small Kucing said...

over here we seldom practice Baby Shower. Instead we have Baby Full Moon Party whereby the family would throw a party for the Baby once it reach one month old.

Elephant's Child said...

How lovely. I have never been to a baby shower. I am not sure whether they are less common here, or just less common with the families I knew. It does look like a lot of fun. And anything to make the mother to be feel cherished has to be a good thing.

Ramakrishnan said...

Arrival of a new baby always creates so much excitement & expectations ! It is a time to rejoice !

Nancy said...

Baby showers are always such a happy event. :)

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait to see photos of the new baby!

Deborah Ann said...

What a blessing this little baby has waiting for it before it even gets here!

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