Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cooking Surprises for Me

I cooked this, Yes I said 'I'

I surprised Hubs, myself, and everyone else when I just out of the blue decided to cook spaghetti!
since I have absolutely No desire to cook.
 What is wrong with me??  maybe it is a midlife crisis??

This is one of my excuses challenges when it comes to cooking... carrying a hot pan of boiling noodles to be drained at the sink.....across the kitchen....with one hand and pushing the trigger to make the power chair go....with the other hand...that could be dangerous but I did it kinda easily!

I am not bragging about cooking or pumping gas.

I am just thankfully feeling better...
(after I had 2 surgeries last year).
and trying to enjoy the little things of life again!


Eat To Live said...

Wow Kim!! Good Job! It is hard to cook when you can't walk to carry things.... very hard. I had hip surgery years ago and was trying to figure out ways to still be able to carry on my daily routine.... Not Easy!!

Birdie said...

I love spaghetti and yours looks delicious. You can invite me for spaghetti anytime.

Nice job! :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is wonderful that you can if you want to... i am the queen of not cooking, i really hate cooking.. but this is a major thing that you did it and you pumped the gas... so happy for you... we all tend to take things like draining the spaghetti for granted.

Muffie said...

Good for you!! I'm not in a wheelchair -- yet -- but I do have to be creative when I decide to cook alone!

Gail said...

I love spaghetti! And absolutely celebrate every freedom, every single one.
Love to you

Karen said...

Oh it looks yummy!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Do be careful with that hot stuff.This does look pretty yummy.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have been through a lot. I love that you are appreciating the little things again!

Judy said...

It looks delicious and, what's more, it looks like a work of art!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yesh!!! And it also looks so good! I am so glad you are feeling better and able to do more!

Rachel said...

It looks yummy Kim!!!
Way to go, pots of boiling pasta are so hard to handle some days...My kithchen is small enough for me to drag the pot to the sink, but lifting it is another issue...Can't wait to see what you fix next :)

Aodhnait said...

Mmmmm looks delicious! So satisfying making your own food when you are in the form to do so.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Proud of you, Kim.... You are doing GREAT... That Spaghetti looks fabulous... When is dinner? I'll join you... ha


Small Kucing said...

well done! LOL...

ya all of us does unexpected things on and off

Sueann said...

Dinner looks fab and good for you!! Cooking can be therapeutic! I could visualize you gliding across the room with a boiling pot balancing on your lap! Wow!!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Pasta is my favourite food, and yours looks good. YOU!!!!
I am not a great cook, but I learned to make good pasta dishes from an Italian mother-in-law.

Anonymous said...

This is so cool! And now I need some spaghetti!

The Unknowngnome said...

You have every right to be proud and to celebrate the abilities being regained.

Kudos Kim!

nicole said...

"the little things of life" are surprisingly BIG!

Bhushavali said...

Looks yummy!!! I too have this sudden enthu to cook up something!!! :)

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