Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Marine Son Gone to Duty Station

My life is back to normal.
Just sad to see my kids move away...then again...

It is not easy for grown kids to move back home briefly.
I would say:
Where are you going?
When will you be home?
I still think I need to take care of him but it drove my son crazy.
It is not easy to see your kids as adults??

We did have many Family Fun's while he was home.

All in all we had a whirlwind of memories for a few weeks.

Off topic but I add this video of the procession of Fallen Marine Scott Harper.
I want to store it in my blog since we were proud to go to this.....I want to remember it.

Cpl Scott Harper Procession from Channel 23 on Vimeo.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

sounds like a hectic but totally fun visit home. and you are so right. my mother did the same to me and i was in my 45 when she died. my sons are in their mid forties and i would do the same.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Gosh, so many people were at the procession, what a great tribute! Yes, living with grown kids is a juggling act. Mine would leave without locking the door, and that always worried me, I felt I had to be home if he were getting ready to go somewhere. I also needed to know when he was leaving and when returning, but of course it was his own business.

Eat To Live said...

My Daughter is going throught that with her 2 girls right now. They are off to college, but they come home and just think they can do as they please.... Hard on everyone.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I guess once a parent, always a parent! Glad you had a good visit!

Wanda said...

Reading this makes me think of how my mom treats me at times. Guess it hard to let go.

Dawn said...

I was going to say what Lisa said. It's something we just seemed to be locked into...for forever:0
I haven't reached the point where they walk out and go to their own places...but I am regarding it from not too far and bitter-sweetly.
(And there are STILL cupcakes in my freezer. You are welcome to any...or all!:))

Joanne said...

I tried so hard to see the video but I just couldn't. I became teary just from the start of it. I think of all those boys that never came home. I pray for their families and I thank them all.
My son is 10 and I can't imagine him moving away. How does one let go? I'm afraid I would have been the same exact way. A Mom is a Mom and we will always look at our kids as our babies.
Blessings, Joanne

Glenda said...

Thank you, Kim, for sharing this tribute to one who gave his all. We must never forget!

diane b said...

It is hard to let go and say good bye. But we must do it so that they can grow.Nice tribute.

Sueann said...

So glad for you that your son was able to spend some time at home!
And the video is so moving! Yes! We must never forget so many things.

Debbie said...

I had to stop the video. I guess I'm just so tired that I'm more emotional than usually these days.

My heart breaks for the families of those who got "the one way ticket". I pray and pray and pray...

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

It's a hard time for both children and parents. I can remember my summers back at home while I was in college.

What a heartfelt video that is. I pray often for our military families.

God bless and have an extraordinary day!!! :o)

Karen said...

You are so right that it is not easy to see our kids as boys all tower over me, but I still see them as my little ones...and sometimes I call them their nicknames from childhood...that REALLY drives them crazy...

Glad you had some family fun and made some more good memories...

Velvet Over Steel said...

It is hard when our children, esp. sons, grow up and then come home for a while. I know my boys don't like me to tell them what they should or shouldn't do... even though I think my advice is the Best. lol

Glad you got some great memories in before he left for his new duty station. :-)

Coreen XO

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