Friday, October 28, 2011

Honoring our Fallen Hero Scott Harper

Hubs took this pic of son and I waiting for the procession

We went to the procession of our fallen hero Scott Harper.  He was being escorted  home a final time.....we wanted to honor his sacrifice...He was killed in Afghanistan at the age of 21.
the Procession began with a police escort
A silence began....then tears....

the Mom of Marine Harper went by in the limo behind the hearse.....she reached up and touched the window as she was looking at my son in his uniform.

Maybe she touched the window as an act of appreciation for my son standing there saluting his fallen Marine.....
Fallen Hero Scott Harper
We were so touched by her thoughtful action during her pain.  

Since my son is a 21 year old Marine, this affected me greatly.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh I can imagine that this would've affected you too. So sad - he was so young. I hope his family feels plenty of support from loved ones.

Debbie said...

Oh my heart.

I pray continually for all our soldiers who are here at home and for whom we're tying the yellow ribbons. I'm amazed at these men and women who knew the condition of our world today and STILL made the choice to serve with their very lives. God bless them all.

May He comfort that mother and family.

And may He go before your son wherever he goes.

Small Kucing said...

Sorry to hear this. If only there is no war. Young lives dont have to be sacrificed. May God Bless his soul

Beautiful Mess said...

Remembering and thankful!

Eat To Live said...

I am crying now as I write this. So sad to lose a child. It is not suppose to happen like that. We as parents should die before our children.

I really hope they get us out of that dreadful country soon

Rachel said...

I can't begin to imagine such loss, Sometimes just saying thank you for your service to our country doesn't seem like enough...

WhiteStone said...

We had a similar hero in our hometown. It was an honor to stand at the curb with a prayer in our hearts as the procession moved across town to the cemetery. Our hearts were in prayer for him as well as all his family and loved ones.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your story touched my heart to the point of tears, and i don't know either of them. thanks for sharing it

The Red Brick Farmhouse said...

I can't imagine to experience such a loss. I know the feeling though, of not knowing and praying that your child is alright when son-in-law has served two tours in Iraq....very stressful for our family and his.

My heart goes out to his family and yours....what a heart wrenching sight it must have been to see that young man's mother very sad!

Ginny Hartzler said...

How sorrowful and painful. And yet this mom must be so strong. I imagine that you were totally undone, and just so glad that your son was there standing beside you. I think it must have been very meaningful to this mom to see your son in his uniform standing there for the fallen hero.

Elephant's Child said...

Shared tears.

Karen Mortensen said...

What a sweet and awesome post. That was so nice of you to be there. I love all of our soldiers.

Libby said...

all military families are SO strong!

Joanne said...

I could only imagine. She probably touch that window to give your son her blessing. So sad. God Bless your son!
Blessings, Joanne

Becky Jane said...

I can only imagine her pain. You must be so proud of your son. I honor these sons of ours.

diane b said...

How sad. So Young. I feel for all the mothers like you. War is ghastly .

Sueann said...

Oh so sad! I can't even imagine!
That was touching of Scott's mom!
And it brought tears to my eyes seeing your son standing there to salute a fellow fallen comrade!!
Thank you

Just Be Real said...

Wow, I can imagine how this affected you dear one. Safe hugs to you.

Have Myelin? said...

I am sorry for her loss - and understand your fears.


Glenda said...

Tears...straight from the heart of this mom of a son who has been in the military for 15 years. Thank you, Kim, for sharing this story. We must never forget.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how sad! I have so much respect for our young men and women who are still willing to put their lives on the line for our country. But it is heartbreaking to hear when they lose those lives. May God bring comfort to that mother's soul.

Karen said...

So touching...and heartbreaking...

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