Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Moths are Beautiful too

Psalm 139:14  for I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made, marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

Beautifully and wonderfully made came to my mind when I saw this moth on my door last year.

I am re-using an old photo but I still have the excuse of being busy with my son.....kinda.

Try to Notice the beauty around you....through the good and bad times.


Eat To Live said...

That is a very beautiful moth! Have a great time with your son.

Birdie said...

I have always thought moths are beautiful. I guess they are so common people don't see their beauty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amazing, in the thumb nail i thought lobster or crab. never seen one like this.

Wonder said...

yes. thanks for the reminder. Happy day to you!

Karen said...

It's a beauty Kim!

Glenda said...

Beautiful moth! Love your advice to look for beauty in the good times and in the bad times!

Spending time with your son is a blessing! Enjoy it!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, moths are beautiful, and yours is exquisite! In studying about them, there is hardly any difference between moths and butterflies! Glad you are having a nice visit with your son!

sprinkles said...

That last sentence is excellent advice!!!

Hope you're enjoying this time with your son.

Alida Sharp said...

What a beautiful moth...we were kind of on the same wave length. I posted a photo of butterflies.

Enjoy your time with your son.

Elephant's Child said...

You are so right about the beauty of the moth. And other small things. Thanks.

Jean Wise said...

Great photo! And my favorite psalm too! I agree we do need to take the time to pay attention to all the details. God is all around us!

Chatty Crone said...

Guess I never thought as a moth as pretty - but it was! sandie

Libby said...

that is neat!

Debbie said...

This is doubly wonderful to mean because I just did a word study on the Hebrew word for DISTINCT that is used to describe God's people, and lo and behold it turned up in that verse.

Wonderfully... distinctively made. Wholly unique. Just like that moth.

This post just hit the spot this morning.

Beautiful Mess said...

You are so right!

Ed Pilolla said...

so we instinctively know his work. i like that. i kin relate.

Karen said...

Very nice! There is beauty always...we just have to look beyond our circumstances...

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