Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nothing New Under The Sun....

Ecclesiastes 1:9 that which has been done is that which will be done.
So there is nothing new under the sun. 

This verse has been coming to my mind when I am feeling:

Pain in my body
Sadness when my Dad is sick
Joy of my kids achieving what they desire
Shocked at how fast life is zooming by

I should have realized a long time ago that I am not the first to feel these ordinary feelings.  

By the way, this beautiful fern was growing in my yard but I did not notice it until the weeds around it were removed.....

I am joining WFW at Internet Cafe


starla said...

Life does zoooom by I was thinking of that same thing this morning. The fern is beautiful ...I want one! I really like them..maybe I have one out back in the weed pile just waiting for me to uncover it

Beth in NC said...

Hey, that is a post in itself. Seeing the BEAUTY after the weeds (the things of this world, demonic attack) are removed. That will "preach" as the sayin' goes.

Happy WFW!


Karen Mortensen said...

Very profound insight you had about the fern. Love it.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Lovely words.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful fern beautiful verse. i love the book of Ecclesiastes and have read it several times. lots of good things in it about how life is not good and knocks us down and down and down again. it says Life Is Hard and it is. but there is the hope in their also.

Judy said...

I guess we all better clean out those weeds, eh?


Ginny Hartzler said...

That is a beautiful picture of your fern! And I don't know how you managed to put the verse on it that way, really nice!

Alida Sharp said...

Love the photo and the verse... great post!

sprinkles said...

I love that fern, so pretty! I used to have one buy it shed frequently so I gave it away.

S. Etole said...

The fern is looking so appreciative of being in the light! It's a beauty.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how true! Our emotions are never new. Someone else has felt them before. The good news is that means others know how we feel even though we often feel like we're alone.

Love the beautiful fern!

Chatty Crone said...

My neck hurts from watching the time go by so fast!

Shanda said...

Yes, it does help to realize that others are and have gone through the same situations we are. I guess that is where encouragement and support comes in. I pray you have a good day today and a relief of pain.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

For some reason this verse always makes me think that there is extraordinary beauty in the ordinary.

Glenda said...

But I'm so glad His mercies are new every morning! I love what you said about the fern; that is a good life lesson for all of us: sometimes a lot of "weeds" hides the beauty around us!

Brochure Printing said...

Heartwarming words… Everything happens for a reason. I always find comfort in Bible verses and somehow guide me every day.

Dylan said...

Kim, your strength and spirit are contagious. Thank you for sharing your story and encouragement. I look forward to reading more.

Check out my story at

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