Monday, July 11, 2011

My Newly Landscaped Yard

Yes (sisters) this is my yard....they will not recognize it landscaped!

I have visions of a horse dog galloping in a beautifully manicured yard that hubs takes care of.

Funny how he does not have the same vision as I do, so I hired it done with his extra money :)

Why does a clean house or yard make me feel better physically??

Do I have mental problems? ~grins~


Glenda said...

Kim, I, too, feel better when my house and yard are less cluttered and clean! Just wish they would stay that way!

Have a happy week!

Karen said...

It looks like you are surrounded by forest! How beautiful! I always feel better when my surroundings are tidy too.

Becky Jane said...

I can relate with you on this one! Going out in my yard with the lawns mowed and the flower beds all weeded gives me such a peaceful and happy feeling!
We are definitely blog sisters!

Anonymous said...

Lovely yard! I just feel better when everything is neat and orderly!

Debbie said...

The yard is lovely! Andd if it's a mental condition, I have self diagnosed myself with the same one.
It DOES make you feel physically better. And the opposite can make you feel physically worse.

Dawning Inspiration said...


The reduction of "clutter" brings me peace!!!! ;o)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I need to start cleaning! Having a brunch here this weekend. Oh the anxiety!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Kim, I don't mind yard work ---but I do NOT enjoy house work... SO--I need to HIRE someone to come in here and do some heavy-duty cleaning for us... (Don't think hubby will go along with that... SO--guess I need to get busy!!! ha)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a clean house, a mowed yard always make me feel better and once i clean out a closet i feel really good. now my fridge needs attention.. don't wanna

Diane J Standiford said...

I think it looks BEAUTIFUL! Bravo!

Laura said...

The same is true for me organized, neat space gives my wonky body (and anxious mind) great ease...I wish I could get my kids to understand why this matters to me! In five years when they have both gone to college, will I miss their mess??? Will I be too comfortable? Nah...I'll miss them but not the upheaval of things always out of place!!!

Chatty Crone said...

When the yard is cleaned up it makes everything feel better!

My Mad World said...

If you have mental problems then I the lady in the white jacket sitting by ya! :)

Yes, a nice manicured lawn and clean organized house always make me feel better!!

Too bad sometimes I have to go somewhere else for that! ;)

Elizabeth Grimes said...

That is the BEST feeling...when everything is nice, clean, and organized. You're not crazy at all!

Deborah said...

I ALWAYS feel better when my yard looks nice and the house is clean! I just have to find the time to it!
I LOVED your yard sale find. The bed and dresser for $25.00 That is unbelievable!!

Unknown said...

If only landscaping could be enjoyed without the labor of maintaining what a wonderful dream.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Webster said...

Yes Kim, I also feel better when the house and yard are kept neat and clean. Sadly, that hasn't been happening lately. Maybe that's what's contributing to my slump.

Your place looks spacious and lovely. I can imagine a big dog galumphing around out there.

TyKes Mom said...

I always feel a million times better when my yard is manicured (though that is rare!). I have been thinking of putting in a new flower garden, but then I would have to take care of it or I would always feel stressed about it.

Helene said...

It's lovely! I always feel better when my house is clean and organized! I think it's because my brain is always scattered so having a clean house makes things seem less chaotic!

kmilyun said...

Very nice! Since I do not have a front yard living in a townhouse I shall enjoy everyone else s.

I do feel better when things are organized the only problem is getting myself to organize them hahah.


Nicole said...

Looks like a job well done! Just inhabit the space with a grin on your face!

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