Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Peace In The Storm

When the storms of life are overhead,
filling you with a sense of dread,
like ocean waves that across you roll,
feeling like you have lost control,
hopelessness can overwhelm you
with uncertainty about what to do.

Remember the One wind and sea obey
can drive your doubt and fear away.

When facing problems in your life,
look beyond the pain and strife,
lift your eyes up from the storm
to find a place so safe and warm,
set your mind on things above
to discover peace and love.

Remember that Jesus calmed the sea,
this peace He offers to you and me.

© Connie Arnold, 2009

I know many personally, that are in storms of life.   We do not understand it.  This poem was relevant to me.  
I will read this poem, when facing different storms of life!


christy rose said...

Isn't it amazing how that peace comes when we look to the One Who brings the peace instead of the one who brings the storm. :)

Karen said...

Amen...He is the only real peace....

Brenda said...

What a beautiful poem! I know a couple that could really use that right now.

Patricia said...

Just the words I needed to hear tonight!!
You just threw a "lifeline" to one who was drifting away!!

Aries said...

Nice, like it. True. Every one goes through a storm every now and then, but storm will pass, it will sooner or later.

Unknown said...

This poem totally blessed me! Thank you!

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