Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Feeding the Homeless...Memories

We went to Atlanta about 10 years ago to work with the homeless.  One of the best memories of my life.  I started to understand, why some become missionaries.

We went once a week, ten of us.  The guys would carry me in my wheelchair, up the three stairs.  They took such good care of all of us. 

The guys would help us unload the food and the few trusted ones would help serve the large group.  I did the drink table, with help. 

We would have a service with them.  They sang the most beautiful music, I had ever heard. 

Some changed their lives forever, got off the streets, went home.  Another story for another post.

Do not judge the homeless, many have reasons for their situation in life.   But for the Grace of God, there go I.


Karen said...

Amen...your last paragraph is so very true....

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

This is a reminder to appreciate all we have, daily. Love the blog layout! Cute!!

Thanks for always taking time to pop in over at my place! I haven't been able to actually 'blog read' from my blog roll in two months!

Webster said...

Most of them have reason for being homeless. And you said it: There but for the grace of God go I. There but for the graces that have been bestowed on most of us.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

I've done that before. It's a very humbling experience. It definitely puts your own problems into perspective!

christy rose said...

Amen Loved your last line!!!

Weezer said...

Thank you for these wonderful words. I'm to begin working at the Master's Table here in Augusta when their new facility is completed in June. I'm so looking forward to it and hope that I can bring some ray of sunshine to those who are so disabled socially and economically.

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